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Batteriehersteller Northvolt beantragt Gläubigerschutz

Batteriehersteller Northvolt beantragt Gläubigerschutz

Now ringen um un nouveau Finanzierung hat der schwedische Batteriehersteller Northvolt Now you can find out more about Chapter 11 of the American Insolvency Agreements. As entrepreneurs are able to give instructions, they are also dadurch in the Lage verszt werden, “seine Schulden umzustrukturieren, das Geschäft auf Basis der aktuellen Kundenbedürfnisse anzupassen und eine Wachstumsperspektive zu schaffen”.

Gleichzeitig sollen Northvolt neue Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt werden. The latest Scania vehicle transport vehicle, a Volkswagen trading company, is worth $ 100 million in the form of a special investment for sale, the United States companies with an insolvency business that has not d ‘importance. Darüber hinaus erhalte Northvolt von Kreditgebern Zugang zu weiteren etwa 145 Millionen Dollar, heißt es en der Pressemeldung weiter.

Scania uses batteries from Northvolt. Mutterkonzern VW owns more than 20 percent of Northvolt and is the largest buyer of the American investment bank. Goldman Sachs. In addition, it is a Swiss and global fund for start-ups, the long road to the EU for battery construction, but also a long one with many problems.

Insolvency insolvency in the United States

We will take the Aufträge et Schwierigkeiten beim Hochfahren der Produktion hatte der Konzern zuletzt seine Ausbaupläne eingedampft, Tausende Mitarbeiter entlassen und Tochtergesellschaften verkauft. Health authorities in US Chapter 11 insolvency law may allow employers to deal with this, but this is also the case in North America. Northvolt takes care of a big time for the Zugriff within Gläubiger and soll Damit den Finanziellen Neustart erleichtern.

The problem was also created in Norddeutschland, and Northvolt in Schleswig-Holstein is a large construction factory. Northvolt Germany, the new Gesellschaft in Germany, is a financial company independent of the Muttergesellschaft, which is in control of the entrepreneurs. Sie sie nicht Teil des Chapter-11-Verfahrens, der Bau nahe Heide “ist and bleibt ein strategischer Grundpfeiler von Northvolt”.

No subsidy payments will be made

This is not the case for German subsidies to be applied for, but also for other non-gestational projects, but for the Restructuring of the Muttergesellschaft and then. We traveled the schwierigen Marktumfeldes Northvolt plane, during the last two months of 2027, with the first Zellmontage am Standort bei Heide zu startnen et im Anschluss den Fabrikhochlauf zu starten. Ursprünglich war die erste Zellmontage für End of 2026 before.

For the 4.5 billion euro construction project, the battery factory in Heide was financed by Northvolt by the Bundesregierung and the state of Schleswig-Holstein in the amount of 900 million euros. In the state of Sweden there was an investment of 5.2 million euros and official support amounting to 70 million euros.

Sparprogramm zeigte wenig Wirkung

Northvolt chief Peter Carlsson has long financial contracts with more than $900 million from Northvolt. Dollar beziffert. Since 2016, investors have invested $10 billion in their own capital and equity. The first time years passed, Northvolt earned $5 billion in credit.

2023 means Northvolt’s event of the month takes place in Steuern and costs a quick $1.2 billion. Seit dem Sommer hat sich die Krise immer stärker zugespitzt. For cost reasons, talk to Northvolt in September about an announced restructuring plan. Unterem wurden 1600 Arbeitsplätze gestrichen et verschiedene Expansionsprojekte auf Eis gelegt. An operating company in Sweden faces insolvency. Northvolt will not be able to create solutions, so far in stock production in the first battery factory in the North-Swedish region Skellefteå hochzufahren.

Problem with the production process

Northvolt has the same head start as the largest Hoffnungsträger bei der technologischen Aufholjagd Europas in der Batteriezellenfertigung. The battery is with the assistance of electric vehicle manufacturers, but the European auto industry is quickly moving into China and other Asian countries. Allein der Chinasische Weltmarktführer CATL liefert rund ein Drittel aller Stromspeicher für E-Autos auf der Welt.

Northvolt is Europe’s leading contractor, a large battery factory. Das Werk in Skellefteå in December 2021 in Betrieb. But heute hat Northvolt aber den technisch complex Produktionsprozess nicht in den Griff bekommen. The “Gigafactory” in Sweden has already had a 16 gigawatt production plant in its first factory, which generated a power of 230,000 electrics over the past year.

Aber noch immer erreicht die Fabrik nur einen kleinen Bruchteil ihrer Kapazität et produziert viele fehlerhafte Batteriezellen. In the first cases, the first work has been done: BMW was grounded in June in a big billion-dollar venture at Northvolt. There are also Audi and Porsche batteries that are best sold.