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DEVOTIONAL GUIDE: The Words We Speak – Park Rapids Enterprise

DEVOTIONAL GUIDE: The Words We Speak – Park Rapids Enterprise

I read a book by Nelson Searcy called “Tongue Pierced.” It examines the words we say every day and how those words can affect us.
Searcy quotes Stephen Covey who said: “Words have an inherent power, a force capable of illuminating a person’s paths and horizons. Used correctly and positively, words are the primary building blocks of success and inner peace. Used incorrectly and negatively, they are capable of undermining even the best intentions.”

King Solomon, considered the wisest man of all time, put it this way: “The tongue has the power of life and death. » Our words matter. They will either bring death or destruction to relationships, situations or even the way we view ourselves, or they will bring life, joy, encouragement to those relationships, situations or even the way we talk about ourselves- same.

So what do your words say about you? If we really think about it, the root of the problem is our own heart. Jesus said in Matthew 15:18, “But whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. » So whatever the rules of your heart are, they will determine the words you use about others, but also about yourself.

If our goal is to find a quick fix to try to stay positive or say encouraging words to others without getting to the root of the problem, we will not be able to change. As Paul David Tripp says, “Only when I love God above all things will I love my neighbor as myself.” Only when God has his rightful place in my life will I treat you with the love I received from him… (That’s why you can’t) solve the problems of language, communication and words horizontally; you first attach them vertically.

We must have God in His rightful place in our lives and in our hearts for our hearts and minds to be truly changed. Does God have his rightful place in your life?

Here are some ways we can put God in his rightful place in our lives:

  1. Worship: We must come to thank and praise God for what he did for us on the cross. It is also important to fellowship with other believers, so that we may be encouraged in our daily walk with Christ.
  2. Prayer: We must be in constant communication with God.
  3. Protecting Our Heart: We must protect our hearts in order to live a life based on service, encouragement, and living by speaking to the people God has placed around us.

I believe that if we focus our entire lives on God and seek Him, our hearts will be transformed and changed. As our hearts and minds transform, all the relationships around us have a chance to flourish. May we seek God with all our lives!

Rev. Tim Balfanz is senior pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Nevis.