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Antigo Has Almost Completed His Election Day Checklist

Antigo Has Almost Completed His Election Day Checklist

ANTIGO, Wis. (WSAW) – Just like you need to remember to bring your ID to vote, municipalities across the country have a checklist of things to do before opening the polls.

Antigo will be up very early tomorrow morning to begin setting up at the Antigo Fire Department. The fire department is the only one in town. They have the chairs, the tables, the ballots, the voting machines and much more. Just pass them on to the fire brigade.

All voting machines are sealed until tomorrow and don’t worry, they have all been tested.

“We had to do a pre-lat test. We did it about a week and a half ago and then last week we did the public test and it went well,” Antigo City Clerk Kaye Matucheski said.

All they have to do now is set up at the fire department and deal with the mail-in ballots because a lot more have arrived than expected.

“We are preparing to process all the mail-in ballots because they have to be processed by tomorrow by the election inspectors and 800 people and some, it’s going to take some time to process them among the other voters,” Matucheski said .

Next, you have to take voters through the voting process. Antigo has already seen a record number of 817 registered walk-in voters. As of Tuesday, they’re still expecting 300 Election Day voters, but the city says the lines are too long.

“We don’t have long lines. We can process them pretty quickly. We have nine rooms, so I think around 8:30 or so,” Matucheski said.

The city says lines to register to vote could be long, so make sure you have your ID. If you do not have identification, you will need proof of residence. This can be rented in the form of invoice, passport, etc.

Polls statewide are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you’re in line at 8 p.m., you can still vote.

And no election campaign either. You cannot wear political attire promoting a candidate or party within 100 feet of a polling place. If you disrupt the voting process, poll workers may ask you to leave and you will not be able to vote.