

Breaking: Beyond Headlines!

Comment: Chop if you have to, but why risk valuables just to save a place?

Comment: Chop if you have to, but why risk valuables just to save a place?


You may be wondering, “What’s the problem?” Singapore is the safest country in the world, right? After all, we have CCTV everywhere – more than 90,000 in public spaces such as parks, roads and public spaces. By 2030, this number will double to 180,000.

But as an old Singapore Police advertising slogan goes, “low crime doesn’t mean no crime.”

So if you return to your chosen seat with a tray loaded with food, to find your IC, your cell phone, your laptop, your iPad, your security card, your house keys, your Chanel purse (I I actually witnessed this with my own eyes). ), the fruits of your last shopping trip, a purebred Labradoodle puppy or missing offspring, it either means you were terribly unlucky or extremely stupid.

Even if there were CCTVs everywhere, what good would they do against a crook wearing a mask, cap or sunglasses – or better yet, all of the above?

And why risk ruining your day – or even your life – just for a moment of convenience?

Think about it: if something important was stolen, you would first feel that unpleasant panic, those flapping and dry mouth: “the world collapsed on my head, my heart exploded from my chest and My stomach collapsed into my toes.” feeling. You would immediately lose your appetite for the food you just bought, with hunger giving way to anxiety or despair.

You will need to go to the police station to file a police report, which could take hours.

You will need to call or text your office or home to say you will be late because items are missing.

Oh wait. You cannot call or text anyone if your cell phone is missing.

Maybe you could just go back to the office and email your boss.

But if your workplace cord was the sharp collateral that had been slipped, you wouldn’t be able to go back. What if someone then used it to gain access to your office for sneaky purposes and office security checked the door access system and you realized the culprit had used your stolen pass?

What if it was your laptop that disappeared? Client details, your latest project or other highly sensitive information contained therein can be hacked, sold and used against you and your organization.

You will also have to shell out a lot of money to replace your IC, iPhone 16 Pro Max or laptop. Is the phone still under contract? You will have to continue paying for this while signing up for a new contract.

You will need to contact banks, telecommunications companies, credit card companies, etc. to report any losses, and you may be at risk of identity theft.

After purchasing replacement devices, setting them up would take a lot of time and effort. Haven’t had time recently to back up all your documents and photos? Damage.