

Breaking: Beyond Headlines!

Ehingen-Süd is located in “Young Kerle with Old Power”

Ehingen-Süd is located in “Young Kerle with Old Power”

The Blaupause lies on the Tisch. The A-Jugend of SSV Ehingen-Süd is the Vorgemacht of Wochenende and their game created by TSG Balingen II is written in English. “A 2:0 at a Balingen, I am naturally as gentle as possible,” said coach Michael Bochtler of the optimistic team. The Samstag finds itself within the Verbandsliga-Mannschaft of the SSV Ehingen-Süd within the TSG Balingen II. The announcement will be made at Kunstrasenplatz in Balingen at 2:30 p.m.

The current status of the players was assigned to the coach with the offer “Aufsteiger in der Liga angekommen”. After a sluggish start to the season, the Oberliga reserves in Balingen were able to take part in the game. The Mannschaft of coach Philipp Wolf ended the poorly played game at the end of September, which took place at half time with two crazy games and which ended with a 1: 0-Auswärtssieg in Oberensingen in the Table to the Platz zehn . Three three-week service stations operate at SSV Ehingen-Süd (21 Station/Platz Square).

Independent Gegner

“I haven’t thought about Balingen yet,” says Bochtler den Gegner as Unbekannte. Discussions at Spielfeld level continue in Vergangenheit to this day. Dennoch hat der Süd-Coach eine Vorstellung, was within the Mannschaft am Samstag in Balingen erwartet: “I’m going to do a second intensive game. This is a Mannschaft with young and talented players, who are very ambitious and who are above the Verbandsliga of the Oberliga zu Schaffen – which has a young Kerle with great power and greater Laufbereitschaft .

Balingens coach Philipp Wolff said in the tone of the game: “La Mannschaften si viele en Liga is also SSV Ehingen-Süd for one this is not the case. I naturally have a pair of complete information and I had a little idea, how the games unfold. » Ungeachtet dessen man in Balingen den Fokus ohnehin auf die eigene Leistung legen. “We will first help you find reading solutions. We have unexpected games, daheim games, we have a strong series and a hole in three holes”, says Wolf. The former Mannschaft der Balinger zeitgleich at FC Zuzenhausen gastiert, werden Bastian Maier and Noel Feher zum Oberliga-Kader zählen and There is no control over it.

“Wir bekommen zu viele Gegentore”

Michael Bochtler has to go to Samstag to come across just one player. The list of authors is in the following language: Kevin Ruiz, Jan Deiss, Tim Bayer, Janis Peter, Jonas Dress, Jannik Kräutter and the Langzeitverletzte Stefan Haiß do not want Balingen to listen.

Dennoch will be the SSV of the Aufsteiger in the Tabelle auf Distanz halten. Therefore, the Bochtler-Elf entgegenkommen, dass sich Balingen mit gerade einmal 18 erzielten Toren in 13 Spielen noch als besonders treffsicher gezeigt hat, schließlich hat der Süd-Coach als derzeit größtes eigenes Manko neben der fehlenden Constance festgestellt: “Wir be kommen zu viele Gegentore !” The zeigte sich bei der 1:4-Heimniederlage am vergangenen Wochenende gegen den Aufstiegskandidaten Türkspor Neckarsulm, bei der für den SSV Ehingen-Süd durchaus plus drin gewesen wäre.