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Baku climate conference: Donald Trump is not the problem

Baku climate conference: Donald Trump is not the problem

COP29 Klimakonferenz in Baku

Before the conference, you can deal with the situation with the rise in temperature. There are no activist actors seeking to create a lobby for fossil fuels.16.11.2024 | 1:41 minutes

Two long protest sessions were held in front of the plenary hall. Sprechen dürfen sie auf this Demo nicht is the strengthening of protests at a UN conference. Doch draußen im authoritären Baku zu demonstrieren wäre complete undenkbar.

This is a climate conference under the voraussetzungen schwierigen, which cannot be found in the illiberal Petro-Staat Aserbaidschan government. The world is darker, the situation for Donald Trump’s climate leaders is not easy.
Mann steht mit Schippe et Rücken zum Beobachter. Nebendran law ist ein Waldbrand

Why is Wahl Trumps willing to engage in international climate protection? Nicht nur der global Suden passes under the climate, without being accompanied by experts.12.11.2024 | 30:32 minutes

Climate conference under the Trumps Schatten

Trumps Schatten et seine Drohungen, nicht nur aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen, sondern sogar aus der UN-Klimarahmenconvention auszusteigen, hängen zwar über der Conference. Auf Wahl Trumps had to do it before meisten hier vorbereitet.

Bisher Hat Donald Trumps Wahlerfolg wenig Auswirkungen auf die Verhandlungen.

Andreas Sieber, Klimaschutzorganization

Im Gegenteil, fortsschrittliche Allianzen für den Klimaschutz würden an Stärke und Mitgliedern gewinnen, so Sieber.

Trump’s climate policy will come in the coming months to ensure global warming. The allerdings Bliebe ce Beitrag auf zusätzliche 0,04 Grad begrenzt, wenn sich seine Politik nicht massiv auf other Länder auswirke, so die neue Analyze des Tracking climate action.
Rauch an RWE manufacturing plant

Even though global CO2 elimination has occurred by 2023, at one point these are positive results: in the US and EU there is a slight return to normal.13.11.2024 | 1:36 minutes

New energies also fell in the United States in the biggest energy falls, and they are so harsh that Abby Hopper from the American solar agency became optimistic by ZDF.
An expert from the New Climate Institute, such as Niklas Höhne, came to meet young Fall about the cost of resources to reduce emissions around the world. Bisher Steigen die Emissionen aber noch et die Welt laufe auch mit Klimazielen auf einen Temperaturanstieg von 2.7 Grad zu.

Frustration with big problems

Modern technology is also at the heart of this central conference: the management services of a new financing program for global climate protection, the adoption of climate policy as well as the management of climate facilities and the improvement of living conditions life in the first woman until the first time Abendstunden and machten keine Fortschritte.

The Global South, also most often towards industrialized countries, fordern Unterstützung vom globalen Norden, as well as the richest industrialized countries, have had the rise of the climate on fire. The history of my broadcasts is due to the United States, China and Russia on the place of Germany.

SGS with Sievers and Rahmstorf

“The water temperature in golf equipment at the water level”, according to Professor Rahmstorf from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, says “whether Milton is so explosive.”10.10.2024 | 4:07 minutes

Billion US dollars found in space

This is a billion US dollars, so much so that the country in the Global South won. The arguments of the industrialists, the Geld is not quite above the official fund and beyond the basic terms, give more Geld of the Privatwirtschaft in the Klimaschutz weltweit fließt.

And global investment banks, like the World Bank, want more visibility. I am Raum auch weitere Ideen, as etwa a global Steuer for the increase in climatic temperatures of the Superreichens, a Steuer auf the International Schifffahrt or auf the billionenschädliche Gewinne der Oilindustrie.

The whole world summarizes direct and indirect subsidies to the whole world World Bank act on billions of American dollars. Bereits I am Abschlusstext der vergangenen Klimakonferenz In Dubai, this subsidy is applied. Entscheiden können dies aber nur die Länder self.

Baku goes to Brazil

In Baku we also go beyond the G20-Gipfel Anstehenden in Brazil. “The efforts of the climate agency for our projects are really interesting,” said the president of the UN Climate Secretariat, Simon Stiell. “The role of the G20 is that of an entscheidender Bedeutung.” The reform of the investment banks, in addition to the Schuldenschnitte for the neighboring states, has a more effective way for climate investments, so that they are ready to go, Fordert Stiell.

Air conditioner : "Wetterextreme werden häufiger"

Extremwetterereignisse würden “als Folge des menschengemachten Klimawandels” immer aufiger, dit Hermann Lotze-Campen, Klimafolgen-Forscher und Leiter der Abteilung Klima-Resilienz.09.17.2024 | 4:57 minutes

Brazil will be the ideal location for the hosts of the 2025 World Climate Conference, with the largest possible events. Brazil is itself an oil exporting country, and the current president Lula da Silva is working to establish a system of protection against climate risks and to stop the evacuation of Amazonian forests and – also in the new UN framework. Climate.

What about CO2-Compensation?

A small Entscheidung gab es bereits am Anfang der Konferenz. Article 6 applies to Pariser Climates which we do not authorize. In this framework, the regulation of CO2 compensation is carried out by the investment project in the expansion countries. Doch die Entscheidung wird kritisch gesehen, et bien ausreichende Debatten auf thiser Konferenz fehlten. Sind die Regeln zu lasch, against Greenwashing. Aus der Vergangenheit sind zahlreiche Fälle von Schwindel mit CO2-Zertifikaten bekannt.

Martin Kaiser from the Greenpeace Deutschland Stand has not yet said that the COP Governing Council realizes this: “False measures cannot be properly implemented before: Emissions must flow, but there is a chance, the longest duration of global warming. einzudämmen.”

One of the business flows from the host countries and regions of the world has developed perfectly, which has enabled the climate conference to be held in a different region of the world every year. These years belong to the Länder of the Früheren SowjetUnion an der Reihe. EU states and third countries have the same option for Russia, while Russia and Belarus are not suitable for EU states. Gegen den Bewerber Aserbaidschan vetoed it.

Elisa Miebach is a journalist at ZDF-Umweltredaktion.