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Rapperswil-Jona Lakers: Darum flies to the Sieg Plüschtiere aufs Eis

Rapperswil-Jona Lakers: Darum flies to the Sieg Plüschtiere aufs Eis

The Rapperswil-Jona Lakers written by Sonntag das Family-Game. This means that you can play more games during the stadium.

It’s a unique family game: the Rapperswil-Jona Lakers win the sonntagnacchmittag zu Hause against HC Lugano 3:0.

You can also play the Lakers after the Kinder Plüschtiere aufs Eis werfen. At 16 minutes, it’s like this: Bobby Nardella makes it 1:0 – and the level soars (Video oben).

Die Action soll benachteiligten Kindern in Osteuropa dienen. Die gesammelten Plüschtiere, die die Fans am Family-Game mit ins Stadium brachten, werden gespendet.

As in the pictures you can see that the sonntagnachmittag is very useful, its padding for a good helping hand.