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What is Trump’s problem with China? – DW – 11/19/2024

What is Trump’s problem with China? – DW – 11/19/2024

It’s the war that has begun, Solange Joe Biden in the White House to the Sagen Hat: The American president and the Chinese president trade the man of the time, Xi Jinping, during the G20 hike in Brazil. Does Dessen Teilnehmer think for a whole topic: the political initiatives that come from the new politics, have other US presidents, Donald Trump, in their states? In Beijing, the best analysts of public affairs administration addressed the People’s Republic to have Donald Trump or Kamala Harris installed in the White House. They are also at the side of candidates and their partners when they turn to China.

Trump makes a single implication

Why has Beijing failed to get the hat and man Joe Biden hasn’t managed to do it yet? Others, as well as the Republic, support Democracy for one style of construction, one style of governance, and when the United States has benefits to provide. Xi and seiner Nomenklatura schon. Denn es verschafft China Zeit, die das Land braucht, un sich ökonomisch vom rest du monde zu entkoppeln – et womöglich um a um die Armee vollständig vorzubereiten: on an invasion of the free, democratic republic of Taiwan and a total blockade of the Northern Philippines Meeres, from Beijing has a wider and broader support, like that of Taiwan.

Peru Lima 2024 | Biden and Xi Jinping prepare for elections
Communication style? Joe Biden and Xi Jinping in November 2024Image: Leah Millis/AP/photo alliance

So the world, Xi Jinping in Brazil and Joe Biden took the hat, precisely to the address of Donald Trump, appeared: In the “Taiwan-Frage”, as Beijing is not, even if Washington is also present as in other congresses, Die Xi mit nahezu allen Asian Ländern während seiner zwölfjährigen Amtszeit bisher vom Zaun gebrochen hat.

Beijing’s Donald Trump has a greater push for shipping goods in 60 percent Chinese imports, but there is no reason why the goods in question should not be hit. Denn Xi is in the year 2024, in a very different political and political age than the year 2016.

China Wirtschaft wackelt

In the current economic era, Chinese society is governed by the Western region which is under the same roof for China at 5.5 percent, and recording in the coming years. Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit liegt bei über 20 Prozent. It is therefore possible to have more of an Amokläufen mit Todesopfern, die mit der angelspannten wirtschaftlichen Lage in Verbindung gebracht werden – so wie vergangene Woche, als ein Mann im sudchinesischen Zhuhai sein Auto in eine Menge Schülerinnen lenkte, die auf einem Sportplatz trainierten.

Alexander Görlach, DW columnist
Alexander Görlach, DW columnistImage: private

Xi also has the Zusammenbruch des Immobilienmarktes and a Banken-Krise zu verantworten. While the consequence of all this is the Binnenkonsum eingebrochen, Xis Traum von Chinas ökonomischer Unabhängigkeit zerplatzen ließ. Deshalb buys the Alleinherrscher in Brazil with the Gunst from Europe and puts them in contact with a free Zugang on the Chinese market. This translation was given to Xi by another Chinese president. At the same time, non-Chinese companies do not have access to a market, Western standards are also freely available.

Is it for Ukraine, rather than China?

Im Moment sees that the old and new US President Trump are also in two conflicts within China and Kurdistan. Michael Waltz, Trumps erste Wahl for die Rolle of Nationalen Sicherheitsberaters, golden like “Falke”, also also jemand, der einen harten Umgang mit China favoriiert. Golden glasses also for the Austrian minister-designate Marco Rubio. It’s a wahrscheinlich, from Donald Trump further Truppen US Ensenden wird, Taiwan zu vertidigen. I want the time to be at the maximum for Denn Trumps Hardliner Eastern Democracies support, support for Ukraine to ensure that such a free country in Asia is in China. However, these resource-calculations are not supported by Joe Biden, is China even more likely to do so?