

Breaking: Beyond Headlines!

The Steigende Bedeutung der Privatmärkte

The Steigende Bedeutung der Privatmärkte

The private market is opening up with very dynamic years. A McKinsey study cost this valuation class as much as $13.1 billion. This study is conducted by the CFA Institute as part of the in-depth study program.

The private market took place in 2018 at 8 p.m. of the month. Dies obwohl sie seit 2022 mit erheblichen Herausforderungen zu kämpfen haben.

Managed income and large macroeconomic economic losses had to have high fund exposure on a new fund, completely fallen trades and linked trades.

Sustainable investments

Privatmarktanlagen erschliessen ein sehr grosse und ergiebiges Investmentuniversum. It is therefore a show in the United States which cost 2,790 dollars with a sum of more than 100 million dollars.

Die Zahl der nicht börsengehandelten Unternehmen liegt hingegen bei über 19,000. Darüber hinaus ist die Zahl der börsengehandelten US-Unternehmen in den vergangenen 25 Jahren um 50Prozent gesunken.

Expertise in Muss

Dies macht es offensichtlich, dass mit Privatmarktanlagen grosse Diversifikationseffekte erzielt werden können. Darüber hinaus zeigen viele Studien, because in the Vergangenheit die Private-Equity-Renditen deutlich über den äquivalenten Renditen lag, die mit börsengehandelten Aktien erzielbar waren.

Jedoch sind Privatmarktanlagen bisher institutionalen Anlegern und sehr vermögenden Privatpersonen vorbehalten gewesen. The market is very illiquid. The downtime periods must be completed until the end of the year. We are specialized specialists, one of the most active and profitable Investments.

Products for individuals

As part of the startup, large private market managers, such as Blackstone, Apollo, Partners Group, and others began producing enterprise products, as well as small private market advisors.

Mit Hilfe von sogenannten “semiliquid” Fonds können seit einigen Jahren auch kleinere Privatinvestoren en Privatmarktanlagen investieren.

These products invest in private equity, private debt, real estate or infrastructure. In the typical private market fund environment, the semi-liquid fund has a fixed time and can invest and disinvest.

Increased flexibility

The analysis of the fund being illiquid, there are periodic investors, a quarter of the time, their fund is invested. Häufig sind jedoch gewisse Obergrenzen gemessen am Fondvolumen definiert. The fund manager can invest this liquidity in portfolio management over the last few months and invest in fund research.

Darüber hinaus investieren die Fondsmanager in der Gel einen Teil des Portfolios in Liquid Anlagen. Investors should ensure that the fund is or can be managed by the investor. Dies cann vor allem dann eintreten, wenn viele Anleger gleichzeitig ihre Fondanteile zurückgeben wollen.

Ausbildung erweitert

The CFA Institute studies research methods in the private market and provides access to the CFA program to the following studies: the “Certificate of Private Markets and Alternative Investments”, the “Certificate of Private Equity” as well as the “Certificate of advanced private equity” (as of August 2025).

These studies are carried out by practitioners and can be completed online. Die CFA Society Liechtenstein führt zudem regelmässig Fachveranstaltungen im Bereich der privatmärkte durch.

The CFA Institute was established in 1945 by financial analysts with many experts in professionalization and high ethical standards in the financial industry globally. The 160 regional CFA companies, which finance the Liechtenstein CFA company, have between 200,000 mittlerweile weltweit and 260,000 CFA Kandidaten.

Thomas Trauth is the president of CFA Liechtenstein Company sowie CEO and Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of IMT Asset Management in Vaduz. He is promoted to Volkswirt, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Financial Risk Manager (FRM).