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Second class fans? Warcraft 3: Reforged and Mac-Debakel

Second class fans? Warcraft 3: Reforged and Mac-Debakel

Author :

Tanja Barth

Second class fans? Warcraft 3: Reforged and Mac-Debakel

What: Blizzard

11/19/2024 at 10:00 a.m. –

Warcraft III Reforged 2.0 was built to last, and fans have been putting big items into the new classics. Doch Mac-Nutzer erleben ein böses Erwachen! After the Kauf you have to entertain yourself, the game on your Mac is not functional.

Warcraft III Reforged erschien im Jahr 2020, et nonn, quickly fünf Jahre später, steht eine gründlich überarbeitete Version von Warcraft 3 before – so, like Blizzard, it’s so damals vermutlich gewünscht hätte. Bei der Warcraft Direct features comprehensive updates for the interface, new configuration features for graphics and more. Patch notes for version 2.0 Enthüllen im Detail, was sich mit this Re-Re-Launch alles ändern wird.

Warcraft III Reforged won’t start on Mac, fans are still here

Version 2.0 of Warcraft III Reforged and the new Anpassungen klingen vielversprechend, and fans have established great abilities in the Neuauflage of credible classic strategies. A single entry is sogar, the game is lost. Doch für Mac-Nutzer gab est nach dem Kauf ein böses Erwachen. Was Doch the cause of the problem? For one day, a Warcraft fan has the Mac version of Warcraft III Reforged gekauft et musten feststellen, because it is on your Macs that they do not work.

Während des Downloads erschien in the app An infrequent merger, the game of time spent on Mac, cannot be achieved. This is what worries you, and the Mac-Spielers explain to you that this information is first published by the Kauf which communicates it. Old fans engage at the same time as they use Blizzard Kundentäuschung vor. Please note that the Forenbeitrag finds and ihr here.

Today you need to get your hands on Warcraft III Reforged, if you want it on a Mac game.

What: Blizzard

Today you need to get your hands on Warcraft III Reforged, if you want it on a Mac game.

“Weiterhin Fehler 6:9. Das Spiel weiterhin zum Verkauf anzubieten ist arglistige Täuschung and therefore langsam müsste man eigentlich den Verbrauchschutz mal darauf hinweisen.”

Seitens Blizzard gab es bisher keine official Stellungnahme zum Problem. Einige Spieler waren so verzweifelt, dass sie sich in World of Warcraft einloggten, a ticket support to help you. And of course, a response from the Game Master! Blizzard’s general manager studied and improved the technical team to resolve the issues. There is a link to an article with further information, this additional information on a page with the product mix “404 page not found”. Dies hat die Käufer natürlich noch mehr empört. I am Warcraft-Forum which has the greatest Frust time, and the players intend, even if Blizzard is black and, like the illusion, not to create a single Lösung. It is surprising that this is not the case for the Mac-Spieler and the fans of the second class.

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Seid ihr auch entretroffen? Play my watch Warcraft 3 Reforged on a Mac? Do you think it’s also unfair that Blizzard is so old with the latest update for Mac? Was this your 2.0 update for Warcraft 3: Reforged? Everything you need to know Warcraft Direct find your time auf our great Übersichtsseite The company is a stand-in for the intended BlizzCon client. Dort gibt es also Informationen zu Wow, Hearth, Warcraft And Warcraft Rumble.