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Was it the white (and kann) der Geier? GAIA provides natural and artistic intelligence for nature protection and environmental protection.

Was it the white (and kann) der Geier? GAIA provides natural and artistic intelligence for nature protection and environmental protection.

The GAIA initiative of an artificial intelligence (KI) was integrated into the GAIA Initiative in a specific time and automatically identified. When it comes to the Aasfresser immer auf der Suche nach Kadavern sind, können die Forschenden mithilfe besenderter Tiere and a weiteren KI-Algorithmus jetzt Tierkadaver in weitläufigen Landschaften lokalisieren. The algorithms described in the “Journal of Applied Ecology” are one of Baustein’s warning systems, with critical checks or errors in the environment of Dürren, bridges or illegal crossings of Wildtiers, and they can easily work.

The GAIA Initiative is a program of assistance to research institutes, nature protection organization and assistance with the world, a high-tech warning system for ecological services and scientific knowledge in the Schaffen environment. The new KI algorithms were created by the Leibniz Institute for Zoological and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) as part of the study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Education IIS and Tierpark Berlin.

The Tod von Tieren is a wichtiger Vorgang in Ecosystemen – unabhängig davon, ob er einen Regelfall darstellt wie bei der erfolgreichen Jagd eines Raubtieres ou un ausnahmefall, verursacht durch den Ausbruch einer Wildtierkrankheit, den Eintrag von Umweltgiften in die Land schaft ou die illegal Tötung durch Menschenhand. For the research and protection of third-party companies and ecological systems, there is greater monitoring, regulation and systematic damage insurance for exploitation and analysis. The GAIA Initiative addresses a combination within natural conditions of white energy (African gyps) and biologging technologies and in-depth scientific knowledge (KI). “This synergy of three intelligences – Tierischer, Menschlicher and Künstlicher – is the core of our new “Ansatzes, mit dem wir the großartige wissen der Tiere über ihre Ökosysteme nutzen wollen,” said Dr. Jörg Melzheimer, GAIA-Projektleiter und Wissenschaftler am Leibniz-IZW.

Geier sind evolutionär perfekt darauf angepasst, zuverlässig et schnell Kadaver aufzuspüren. If you find out about it, you will have a separate communication and an additional communication, so you will be able to share the same information with the large Landstriche „überwachen“ können. Although there are some ecological functions, we have the Landschaften von Aas reinigen and the Ausbreitung von Wildtierkrankheiten eindämmen. “For art safety measures to be relevant and environmental protection measures to be relevant, a third-party safety problem is solved and the initiating masses take care of it,” said Dr. Ortwin Aschenborn , from the University of Melzheim. the GAIA project manager at Leibniz -IZW. “One of the Geier’s ideas for a working tool, brauchen wir a Schnittstelle – and this Schnittstelle bildet bei GAIA die Kombination aus Tiersendern und künstlicher Intelligenz. »

Die Tiersender, mit denen GAIA under anderem Weißrückengeier in Namibia, in mind of two groups of dates auf. The GPS sensor is linked to a better starting point of the actual position at a level, the ACC sensor is used (the ACC is intended to accelerationin English for Beschleunigung) erfasst detailedierte Bewegungsprofile des Senders – et damit des Tieres – entlang der trois räumlichen Dimensionen zum selben Zeitpunkt. In addition to the Leibniz-IZW algorithm, the model of the machines used is used by artificial intelligence (KI) models. “Jedes Verhalten ist mit spezifischen Beschleunigungsmustern verknüpft and erzeugt deshalb bestimmte Signaturen in den ACC-Daten der Sensoren,” said wild biologist and KI specialist Wanja Rast from Leibniz-IZW. “This signature is written and the best information is provided to help you, we have a KI with trained people on reference dates. These reference dates were published by two white sources, which are in the Tierpark Berlin with the sender ausgestattet, as well as by the 27 Wilden Geiern in Namibia. Freiland is under the direction of the Beobachtung der Tiere nach der Besenderung. “We are eligible for this sum for 15,000 pairs of ACC signatures and check the authorizations of the Geier, under the other activity Flug, Gleitflug, Fressen and Stehen. Damit konnten wir aine sogenannte Support Vector Machinea KI algorithm, trained, der mit hoher Zuverlässigkeit ACC-Daten bestimmtem Verhalten zuordnet,” said Rast.

In two separate versions, the data combined with the GPS data of the third party are stored. With specific KI algorithms to identify “Clustering” so that they are the best to use. But these days will turn on and off when you turn them on, and they will turn out to be hot. “The GAIA-Feldwissenschaftler and the cooperation partner Ort found more than 500 of these shipping dates for Kadaver shipments, as well as more than 1300 Cluster and other regulations on Kadaver,” said Aschenborn. The verification fund of the study program body is also essential for the unique identification of signatures of KI training students within the framework of KI training programs – this algorithm is also available with this präzision orte an, a manager höchstwahrscheinlich Ben is one and a Kadaver liegt. “We know that the user manual for Kadaver with 92 quotation percentages is the generation of a system, where the Geier, the transmitter and the KI can be used for a large “feed” of third parties.

This KI-based classification and classification type is a Baustein center for the GAIA warning system for critical checks or experiments in the environment. “Byslang erfolgt ce methodische Schritt im GAIA-I³-Rechenzentrum im Leibniz-IZW à Berlin,” Melzheimer said. “In our consortium new Generation of Tiersender werden KI- Analyzen direct auf dem Tiersender Implementiert. Damit entsteht die verlässliche Information darüber, ob and wo ein Tierkadaver liegt, unmittelbar and ohne Zeitverlust am Tier. übermitteln. It is indeed a land mobility service with a satellite connection, all local infrastructure being guaranteed throughout the wilderness region. Auch dort könnten dann kritische Veränderungen oder Vorfälle in der Umwelt – like Krankheitsausbrüche, Dürren or illicitly Tötungen von Wildtieren – sans Zeitverzögerung erkannt und übermittelt werden.

In the years to come, the best vielers Geierarten are completely zurückgegangen, sie sind non akut vom Aussterben bedroht. Die Hauptursachen dafür sind der Verlust von Lebensraum et Nahrung in vom Menschen geprägten Landschaften sowie a hohe Anzahl direkter or indirekter Vergiftungen. The best and best of white food products is the fruit of an inner life of three generations lasting 90 percent – ​​which resulted in a difficult journey of 4 percent for the year. “Aufgrund your ökologischen Bedeutung und your raschen Rückgangs ist es notwendig, our Wissen über et Verständnis von Geiern deutlich zu verbessern, um sie best schützen zu können,” said Aschenborn. “Our research with analysis methods based on KI analysis methods is not available in the new ecosystem clicks, it also allows us to understand our knowledge, cooperation and cooperation, according to the needs, the ausbrüten young people and the knowledge of a generation. un die nächste weitergeben.“ GAIA has published more than 130 Geier in unterschiedlichen Teilen Afrikas mit Sendern aus, der Großteil en Namibia. The analyzed searches will give you over 95 million GPS data points and 13 million ACC data.