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Riesiger Meilenstein on launch day

Riesiger Meilenstein on launch day

This is a way to ensure that a woman cannot escape from the “Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25” as an infassbaren Meilenstein. Das Franchise schwimmt also weiterhin auf einer riesigen Welle des Erfolgs.

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25: Riesiger Meilenstein arrives on launch day

November 12, 2024, Startschuss field for den “Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25”. The first major release of credible simulations released by Entwickler Giants Software was three years in the making. A greater logistics of war is that of fan prevention, which absolutely must be long, to end up getting away with people. The long break provides a lot of hype so you can get away from the place – move on in time.

Landwirtschafts-Simulator 2025 is available for registration

The new franchise game also features greater commercial work. Das hatte sich schon bei den Vorbestellungen gezeigt and I send you messages from current Tweets on X-Kanal channels. Now pair Giants Software with Wort, a beach tool to use.

Demnach hat the “Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25” geade mal a woche nach dem Release a beeindruckenden Meilenstein erreicht. Inner half of our tags come from the Simulation weltweit auf mehr als deux Millionen verkaufte Exemplare.

This is not the case for in-depth reading. Gleichzeitig stellt es auch einen neuen Rekord dar. No other game in the history of the franchise meets this sales market in a single day. Der ebenfalls sehr erfolgreiche “Landwirtschafts-Simulator 22” hatte im selben Zeitraum „nur“ 1.5 Millionen Einheiten absetzen können. As verifications on different green platforms are not possible. Please note that this is not the case, but it has to be taken into account.

Who has the Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25 further?

The entwickler is worried about these angels who are not at home and leave their hands in the school. Giants Software has already started creating updates, thanks to the first updates to be made. The latter are not faced with a single avant-garde bug, but they are also likely to be the subject of all the gaming activities and other optimizations possible.

This is also a global amount for a new contract for the installation “Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25”. Bereits bei den Vorgängern Hatten die Entwickler nachträglich unter anderem zusätzliche Maschinen, Feldfrüchte und sogar neue Features hinzugefügt. Die Nähere Zukunfte Dürfte für Die Fans daher Definitiv Spanend Werden.

More information on mergers Landwirtschafts-Simulator 25.

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