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Google stock Mittel für KI-Grundlagenforschung auf

Google stock Mittel für KI-Grundlagenforschung auf


London – It cost them $20 million (€19 million) for an artistic intelligence (KI) project as part of a large-scale railway project.

This summer, the $200 million was spent by for years on a KI management project that invested in sound work. The famous Google in London was the first “AI for Science Forum” of Google DeepMind and the Royal Society.

The Royal Society is the National Academy of Wissenschaften des Vereinigten Königreichs. The projects under study extend to the acquisition of new art objects, research products from women and assistance to them. Arzte ohne Grenzen im Kampf gegen Antibiotikaresistenzen. has not been around since 2005. The organization was created globally for technology and data. You follow organizations and joint social projects in the field of environmental protection, design, management, education and luck.

The young edition of the Nobel Prize winners in chemistry and the Deepmind explorer from Google, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper, are very famous, like KI from the Wissenschaft. Your AlphaFold project, whose protein structure was designed in advance, has generated more than two million dollars in research in 190 countries.

It’s helped by malaria research, the search for new Parkinson’s therapies and more. KI three also Fortschritte in Bereichen wie Hydrologie, Neurowissenschaften et Klimaforschung voran.

Nobel Prize-winning chemist Hassabis, CEO and director of Google DeepMind, said he was behind the smart technology and research that helped us create one of the world’s greatest bridges of our time.

“Our business, the investment of our funds of 20 million dollars, will extend to the entire private sector and the private sector for the future, the creation of the potential of KI and the new global economy. Spirieren, sich uns bei der Finanzierung dieser wichtigen Arbeit anzuschließen.“ © dpa/