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Donald Trump and Latinos: the Texan revolution

Donald Trump and Latinos: the Texan revolution

For the Eingang of “Good Neighbor Settlement House” there are things to do. A group of young women umlagert un Mitarbeiterin, die um Geduld bittet et kurz darauf im Gebäude verschwindet. A young man sits at the bar on the small terrace, sits down or sits down. In Brownsville and the Grenze Texanischen zu Mexico since the end of November nachmittags immer noch 30 Grad. Der Besucher wird freundlich begrüßt: “Benas tardes”, says a man with a sudden augen and more and more blows.

In the Unterkunft, our new Hundert Meter entfernt vom Grenzübergang, du Rio Grande Brownsville et Matamoros trennt, werden officiall Obdachlose betreut. Von Flüchtlingen, zumal solchen, die illegal über die Grenze gekommen sind, wird hier bewusst nicht gesprochen. Here is what is said: The greatest diversity of men in education, one of the Methodists came, if the migrants, are the same of their “undocumented”.

Migration point of view: The map shows the Grenzübergang Eagle Pass
Migration point of view: The map shows the Grenzübergang Eagle PassFAZ

The reception was entrusted to Belinda Bradford, the stellvertretende Leiterin der Unterkunft. A project on the migration policy people of künftigen regulation? Your nerves are on edge. “Wir wissen ja noch gar nicht, wie ce aussehen wird,” he said afterwards. If you do not have any questions, you will be able to contact your telephone and receive your request. One minute a minute you will hear: “I am in one direction, but I can make the auskunft end point generated.” » Your loud click is a command, not later.

Bei Hilfsorganizationen geht die Angst um. Donald Trump hat im Wahlkampf die “large Massenabschiebung in der amerikanischen Geschichte” angekündigt. There are millions of irregular migrants, who are also Mörder, terrorists, Vergewaltiger and Drogenbosses bezeichnete, abschieben. And former staff, ICE State Police Executive Chairman, is speaking today, and that’s why he is Tom Homan, Executive Director of ICE Police Guidance, also “tsar of the borders”, also responsible for the beauty of the landscapes. Stephen Miller, a supporter of migration policy, head of the Stabschef at the Weißen Haus.

In Trump, the first Amtszeit wurden pro Jahr mehrere Hunderttausend Personen abgeschoben. The war also against the other presidents of the Fall. If you are a Migrant, you will not be able to do so if you wish to return the word. Diesmal Trump richtig durchgreifen. Die Zahl der Migranten ohne Aufenthaltserlaubnis wird auf elf Millionen geschätzt. Viele von ihnen sind seit Jahren im Land und komplett integriert – in Jobs, Schulen und Nachbarschaften.

New Abschiebezentren et la Nationalgarde als Verstärkung

A plan was developed, but new support centers were set up and the National Guard is now in place policing and implementing ICE beams. The warning of the American Immigration Council, Festnahmen, Abschiebehaft, rechtliche Prüfungsverfahren et die eigentliche Rückführung würden den Steuerzahler Milliarden kosten. You can now enter the Arbeitsmarkt.

The democratic register of the Bundesstaaten has a broader status. The Kalifornian etwa, themselves, in a Grenzstaat, since 2017, as the first Bundesstaat, have provided a state police service and the state police have taken over the staff police for support. In TexasThe Politischen Gegenpol zu Kalifornien is the Lage another. He has the Trump hat with Governor Greg Abbott as a Verbündeten.

The Republic will also be present in the coming years in migration policy, with the support of the Biden-Harris-Regierung. And Justice Minister Ken Paxton created more migrant aid organizations and their leadership was led by legal adviser Belinda Bradford. The Supreme Court of the Federal States must address the Paxtons Maßnahmen entscheiden.

Texas is still a Republican country

All new posts from the Richterposten to the Obersten Gerichtshof in the main city of Austin will be sent by the republics – three days on November 5 in my first day. Bei den Wahlen für die Berufungsgerichte konnten die Republikaner weitere Zugewinne erzielen. The political Landschaft is also with the Wahl in Texas.

The “Lone Star State”, not to mention the Hochburg of the “Grand Old Party”, is still a Republican word. Where the federal map of states is supported, it is rote: further afield, in the Houston metro area, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio, the blue flag on the map – and in the South, in the metro area of Mexico.

As Donald Trump died today at Mar-a-Lago with his friends and his friends within Wahlsieg, he said that Governor Abbott had the anger and the government, and that he had all the Grenzorte gewonnen. Tatsächlich wird der publikanische Sieg nirgends so sichtbar wie entlang de Rio Grande in Südtexas: In zwölf von vierzehn Landkreisen erhielt Trump die Mehrheit. All the Landkreise south of San Antonio are blue and rotten.

In Maverick County, where the Grenzübergang Eagle Pass is located, the migration commission starting point from earlier this year, was adopted by Trump along with the 19th starting point from the previous month. 2016 there are 56 points that are there. Auch Urbane Gegenden Drehte Trump. Thus, Cameron County, the southern county of Texas and Gulf of Mexico, is in Brownsville. In El Paso, the closest city the federal states meet the Federal Republic of Germany. Drehen konnten sie den Bezirk aber nicht.

Enormous Rückschlag für die Demokraten

In the Grenz region, the Latin American region is dominated by the Latin American region, which takes place 90 days from the time of the Einwohner ausmacht. Trump is present here in the traditional environment of democracy. For this, it is a huge Rückschlag. Lange Zeit glaubten sie, die Zeit sei auf ihrer Seite: Die urbanen Zentren, von liberalen Weißen, Latinos et Afroamerikanern geprägt, waren ohnehin ihre Hochburgen.

People in the demographic movement have become aware of the fact that the rate of democracy has been reached for a year, but Texas is still in a blue skin. This war is a Fehler, Latinos selbstverständlich für demokratische Wähler zu stopen. 43 National Stimulus Proposals Ebony for Trump – for more proposed proposals for each year. Einer der Gründe is the migration crisis.

Daniel works at a Seafood Bar in Brownsville. The house specialty is the “Crab Combo,” a blend of Southern seafood with biscuits, meats, cakes and corn in tangy Cajun butter. Am Mittag is last night. Nur ein paar Tische sind besetzt. Der Kellner setzt sich zum Gast an die Bar. “Yes, the President is the complete Wahnsinn gewesen,” he said. Trump had to attack the president, but it wasn’t yesterday. Yesterday – in South Texas. In Brownsville, with 200,000 people and 94 percent Latino. Spanish is the lingua franca.

Latinos also have a problem with a woman as a gehabt candidate

Daniel said, “Das sind doch unsere Leute.” I am a migrant. 27 years ago and the first in the family, the first in America. Seine Eltern waren aus Mexiko gekommen. Er hat sein ganzes Leben in Brownsville verbracht. Den Stimmungswandel in seiner Heimatstadt is with Sorge: “Wir sind alle Migranten,” he says. Ja, die vergangenen Jahre seien schwierig gewesen. The situation of the irregular Grenzübertritt has made the region stronger – and also polarized. This gives you inflation. Alle sei teurer geworden. And then he wanted the Biden-Harris-Regierung to come to the Grenze to have nothing to do with it.

Der Umschwung treffe auch seine Familie, erzählt Daniel. 2016 had only one intervention for Trump’s management. Sein Onkel, der für die Border Patrol, die Grenzschutzbehörde, arbeitet. 2024 if the family ganze “rot” is worded, it will be a new verse. Nur er nicht. Daniel caps his 400 years for the management of Biden, for him Hillary Clinton. “Diesmal bin I am not zur Wahl gegangen. I didn’t want more, I was denken soll.

It is clear that the question of migration is that of the most important factor, which is not the same. The cost of income is a big topic. And then they went to others. Daniel hit a wenig herum. So he said that in the Latin American community there was a problem with an inhabited woman. Chauvinism also shows itself verbreitet.

“Einfach nur alles anders zu machen als Trump ist keine Losung”

Alejandro sees the others. He’s sitting in a bank in Oliveira Park in Brownsville. When the 58-year-old defers to the president’s man, he’s prepared for a waterfall. That’s also what Trump said, he said. Das habe aber nichts damit zu tun gehabt, dass Harris eine Frau sei. He has been in the life of democracy since 2016, while Hillary Clinton is in the war against the Democratic candidate.

Then Alejandro said: “Genug ist genug.” For Harris, there is no way to do it. For all, although I did it, it was sie an der Grenze gemacht habe. “Einfach nur alles anders zu machen als Trump ist keine Losung,” he said. Klar, he said, the Republic is in the first Amtszeit provokativ gewesen: Sein Mantra, er Baue die Grenzmauer, et Mexiko werde dafür zahlen, sei “drüber” gewesen. Keine Frage. And the family is also a schwerer Fehler gewesen. But I think the balance sheet: Illegal migration in the Griff region had to be considered.

“I didn’t need an excursion. I myself am the kind of Einwanderern”, said Alejandro. Seine Eltern kamen aus Mexiko – legal. You are looking for American words. Sous sei als stolzer Amerikaner mit mexikanischen Wurzeln in Texas aufgewachsen. « Aber Regeln sind nun einmal Regeln » Er verstehe nicht, das das in den Ohren der heutigen Demokraten so hart klinge.

The Migration Bureau is one of the two main groups today, but Trump did it. This is your Hafenarbeiter in the Hafen von Brownsville. Dort soll eine Ölraffinerie entstehen. Das wichtig für die Region. “I’m not trolling Harris. » Sie sei doch gegen Öl, they say. Viele seiner Arbeitskollegen sähen das genauso. It was November 5th in South Texas, there was no revolution.

One of the men who benefited from this revolution is Ted Cruz. The Republican senator, himself in the conservative circle, is incredulous, he must have his green place. A knappes Rennen wurde vorausgesagt. Tatsächlich gewannnn Cruz, Sohn un Kubaners, gegen a inen Congressabgeordneten et popular früheren Football-Spieler mit fast zehn Prozentpunkten Vorsprung. Deutlicher als vor sechs Jahren.

Bei seiner Siegesfeier vergaß er nicht, zu erwähnen, wem er seinen Sieg zu verdanken hat: Man sei Zeuge “unglaublicher Ergebnisse” under Latinos in the federal state – and a “Generationenwechsels” in South Texas. “Das sollte das establishment der der demokraten im Kern erschüttern”, rief er seinen Anhängern zu. Latinos do not survive democracy. If you are a conservative Werten, die sie im Kern nie aufgegeben hätten. Sodann: Das sei etwas, das Progressive nie verstehen würden. “There are no progressives in the Grenzens. » And Latinos are not clean, criminals in the country are letting loose.