

Breaking: Beyond Headlines!

Action: A person in the Raubüberfall auf Post in Oberriet SG identified

Action: A person in the Raubüberfall auf Post in Oberriet SG identified

The cantonal police of St. Gallen were ridden by two men during a sudden fall during a post party. (Symbol image)
The cantonal police of St. Gallen were ridden by two men during a sudden fall during a post party. (Symbol image)


The cantonal police of St. Gallen have the two man’s parties in Montagabend, the postal direction of Staatsstrasse in Oberriet has fallen. Beim Überfall blieben die beiden Angestellten körperlich unverletzt et es konnte kein Geld erbeutet werden. Einer der beiden Festgenommenen konnte mittlerweile identifiziert werden.

The Täterschaft sei auf a Motorrad geflüchtet und auf der Flucht in Rheineck verunfallt, teilte die Kantonspolizei am Montagabend weiter mit. These are the words to be written and written.

Gemäss jetzigen Erkenntnissen hätten die beiden Männer den Hintereingang der Postfiliale between and in der Folge un 19-jährige Angestellte bedroht and gefesselt. A responsible person was confronted with the situation and went to a Räuber zugegangen and went to a workforce managed by the cantonal police. Dabei habe der Mann eine Waffe beim mutmasslichen Täter erkennen können. Please note that your pets do not have any words they say.

Aufgrund der Auseinandersetzung hätten die beiden Männer von ihrem Vorhaben abgelassen et seien mit a motorrad ohne Deliktsgut geflüchtet. After a large intercantonal police took charge until 6:40 p.m., the road time with the patrol controller of a patrol of the St. Gallen cantonal police on the A13 motorway until in St. Margrethen.

Driving police

The Patrol was led by Motorrad Rheintalabwärts. These roads extend over the highway to Rheineck and Richtung Thal. This is a fake vehicle in the circle. The Richtung Autobahn transport vehicle collided with a patrol car from the St. Gallen cantonal police.

The following terms are due to your Rettungsdienst in their Spital gebracht. There are more information available. You are aware of what is happening in Australia and does not correspond to the police.

The police assistance service polices in a different environment, as this is the case of a 22-year-old man with a Swiss household in the canton of St. Gallen. The two men have police who cannot be identified. The cantonal police of St. Gallen are located in a European territory in Verbindung.

cz, nda