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Neuer COO and CSO: This is the new management team at Media Impact

Neuer COO and CSO: This is the new management team at Media Impact

Mathias Sanchez and Benedikt Faerber participate in the Media Impact project on Media Impact.

The new head of Media Impact, Christoph Eck-Schmidt, is within the new Führungsmannschaft. Julia Wehrle, currently active as co-CEO of Media Impact, will serve as Chief Revenue Officer of Politico in Brussels in 2025. Dafür rücken 2 young Manager in die Geschäftsführung von Media Impact auf.

The Bisherige co-chief of Media Impact, Julia Wehrlewird bei Politico die europaweite Vermarktung der journalistischen Product verantworten. On January 43, 2019, the Media Impact design office. “Le Zeit bei Media Impact war für mich persönlich and beruflich unglaublich bereichernd,” Wehrle said: “I’m doing it, I was with the team in the letzten Jahren erreicht haben. Le Wechsel zu Politico bietet mir nonn die Möglichkeit, meine Erfahrungen in einem international d’Umfeld einzubringen and new Herausforderungen anzunehmen. Von Herzen möchte ich allen Mitarbeitenden and my team for their Vertrauen and die wirkungsvolle Zusammenarbeit.

Julia Wehrle Wechselt zu Politico in Brussels

Bei Media Impact will be available next January Mathias Sánchez And Benedict Faerber new in die Geschäftsführung auf. Sanchez, 40, is currently COO for all strategic market development projects for market products and technologies, integrated into the field of Programming and AdTech, later under the leadership of Axel Springer. Sanchez becomes Senior Vice President of Global Strategic Partnerships with support from Axel Springer International Cooperation.

Benedikt Faerber, former sales director of Bild-Gruppe & Portfolio bei Media Impact, übernimmt markenübergreifend die Funktion des Chief Sales Officers (CSO). He was authorized on January 39 by Media Impact’s crossmedia portfolio management company to follow the strategic direction of the national and international sales teams. Knut Döring51 years old, is CSO of the Welt-Gruppe and Managing Director Live Experience and is led by Media Impact by Benedikt Faerber.

Marketing Director and Sales Director

Mit ceser Personalie bentont Springer seine weltweiten Werbeambitionen

Sales without Grenzen: Nach der Ankündigung der Aufsplittung des Konzerns (and vor deren Umsetzung) released Axel Springer wichtige Aufgaben neu. In der Vermarktung stehen die Zeichen auf markenübergreifende Internationalisierung.

“The new management team at Media Impact is here to help,” said Christoph Eck-Schmidt, CEO of Media Impact. “Benedikt Faerber has played in the worldwide Media Impact as head of the company, with his large teams, who have excellent advice on the market and want more for our clients. Mathias Sanchez is responsible for the global strategic partnerships function and has extensive expertise in global advertising in the development process with international platforms, agencies and companies Upay’s longest-serving Geschäftsführer brings. an außerdem viel Erfahrung in der Unternehmensführung mit. “That is why we have optimal management so that the regional Wachstums market creates media markets with more accessible national and international markets.”

In a post about the Jullia Wehrle college preview, he told Eck-Schmidt: “I thank Julia for our same time at Media Impact and I, the Politico is not yet more likely to help you make projects within European Europe Bei Media Impact will be with Julia sehr vermissen.”