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Interview with Captrader during the Deutschen Optionstage in February 2025 in Düsseldorf

Interview with Captrader during the Deutschen Optionstage in February 2025 in Düsseldorf

David Ernsting, team leader of Broker-Test, in an interview with Alessa Reetz, marketing at CapTrader, at the German options stage, the first of February 2025 will take place in Düsseldorf and as the biggest event for interested options in Germany.

CapTrader had this month of February for the first day of the “Deutsche Optionstage” ausgerichtet stage. What do you think of the event – ​​what themes are being presented?

Alessa Reetz, Marketing at CapTrader

Alessa Reetz, Marketing at CapTrader

The first German options tools are a good choice.

We had positive interest for the greatest interest, which led us to be our first art war agency and which did not generate interest, was auf uns zukommt – which cost more than 700 tickets for the sale of the day.

Das Event war 2eigeteilt: Am Samstag fand a ganztägige Konferenz auf der großen Bühne statt et am Sonntag follows Masterclasses, in denen die Referenten in kleineren Runden tiefer in the Materie eingestiegen sind.

The quality of the current war – our referents have varied practices and references in terms of strategies, approaches and risk management.

Besonders der Austausch mit unter den Teilnehmern machte die Veranstaltung einzigartig.

While the big events for the interested options in Germany trafen yesterday viele begeisterte Börsianer aufeinander, die a starke Community biladen, mit dem Ziel den Optionshandel zu erlernen sowie zu zu optimieren und sich dazu gegenseitig auszutauschen.

And how did the Teilnehmern fall? Welches Thema War does not believe?

The feedback from the customer is always positive.

Even if you don’t have any problems, you’ll be able to find out more about it and you’ll be able to use it later.

Besons erfreulich war, dass die Teilnehmer betont haben, wie viel wertvolles Wissen sie aus den deuxwei Tagen mitnehmen konnten, das golden sowohl für Einsteiger as well as for erfahrene Optionshändler. Besonders believes there is a Stillhalter and 0DTE strategy for businesses.

Is the war of positive feedback also very clear, dass es 2025 zu einer Neuauflage kommen wird?

It’s a very clear relative war, Idoch wollten wir zunächst das Feedback abwarten et berücksichtigen.

Während der Veranstaltung haben wir bereits viel Positives gehört, aber im Nachhinein Feedbackbögen an die Teilnehmer geschickt.

Das Feedback war entscheidend, um the Konzept gegebenenenfalls zu überarbeiten et weiter zu verbessern.

This is our first approach to this artistic war, seen as a continuous process, and we have optimized it optimally.

Has the Konzept become perfect or has it been your time? What are the themes that you presented before the year?

We conceived the concept and designed the engineers’ working methods for safety knowledge management.

Nächstes Jahr wird die Veranstaltung über 2tage auf der großen Bühne statttfinden.

A new, exclusive highlight is the meeting on Saturday at the end of the conference.

Dadurch haben die Teilnehmenden noch more Gelegenheiten, sich mit den Speakern und Gleichgesinnten zu auszutauschen et zu vernetzen.

So you can see the operating services of the day, plan the trip for the hours and, during the break, listeners expect them to take place during the networking.

We have a unique atmosphere for guests, a first etiquette allowing them to relax.

And how is it with the Rednern aus? 2024 Konnte Captrader ja mit vielen bekannten Gesichtern aufwarten (with Jens Rabe, Philipp Berger). Could it be around 2025 dabei sein?

On the other hand, we are left with new ones and they must be removed. By the Veranstaltung führt der Börsenanalyst Holger Scholze.

Zudem dürfen sich die Teilnehmer aufräge von Experten such as Jens Rabe from the Jens Rabe Academy, Philipp-Malte Lingnau and Philipp Berger from DeltaValue, Olaf Lieser and Christian Schwarzkopf from Optionsuniversum, Stefan Toetzke from gammaVega, Alexander Eichhorn and Maximilian Bothe from Eichhorn Coaching , Tina Gison-Höfling von der Geldbäckerei, Ulrich Müller from UMWA and Vincenzo Zinna from freuen Eurex.

We often hear you this year with Tina Gison-Höfling, Maya Chaudhuri and Stephanie Müller, three great speakers well known for the German options channel.

We frequently installed 21 loudspeakers and loudspeakers over the next few days.

Can you get more information and buy tickets? Can you make repairs?

The full program, speaker preview and further information about the event can be found under

Die Veranstaltung richet sich sowohl an Einsteiger als auch an erfahrene Optionshändler. You can take interesting steps and advice.

CapTrader is the provider of the German options stage and offers an exclusive price to the regular ticket price. It is also not possible for CapTrader to have a legal deposit or a new deposit in a secure location (Stichtag für der Rabatt 31.12.2024).

We now offer you: the general CapTrader ticket as well as the regular ticket for the sales stages and all races.

Please note that if you are getting tickets, you will be able to purchase tickets in advance.

2025 will be a live broadcast ticket for the Saturday congress for the first time, which will interest an entire world.

Do you also have other solutions like the Börsentag Dresden or the WOT staff to find solutions?

Yes, the CapTrader team will be one person from the WOT in Frankfurt to the Dresden Stock Exchange office, inside and outside, and will be interested in the options market, as well as all other markets around the world and led by sellers of purchasing papers to over 150 markets. Verfügung.