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Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro review: Gaming power comes with KI

Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro review: Gaming power comes with KI

“Fortnite”, “Fall Guys”, “Genshin Impact” – the list of mobile games is still waiting for you for a long time. Längst is no longer “Candy Crush” and Co. for Zocken do not believe. For online games you have to use the material yourself, with possible answers. Gaming smartphones are all very small. Mit Asus brings a manufacturer to a frisches model on the market. The ROG Phone 9 (Pro) does not have the specifications and specifications that are suitable for gaming aspects. Our smartphone is ausprobiert and clären, because Rolle künstliche Intelligenz bei dem Modell spielt.

Design for games

Here is the first click of the ROG Phone 9 Pro within the mass of smartphones. Das liegt vor german an der speziell gestalteten Rückseite. Dort befindet sich the sogenannte AniMe-Vision-Display mit 648 Mini-LED. Damit lässt sich nicht nur die Uhrzeit oder der Akkustand anzeigen – also Zocken ist damit möglich. In the Armory-Crate-App you can start the game. Gesteuert wird mit den cannten AirTrigger-Tasten an der Seite de Gehäuses.

Photo of the Asus ROG Phone 9 pro. The smartphone is found with the search page every time. This is a single LED to see a small game being played.

Do you have questions about the smartphone home page? Beim ROG Phone 9 Pro klappt it.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Add GIFs (266×247 pixels) in the background – even with the smartphone up to the individual. On other pages and on the home page you will find the USB-C connector, as well as the charging cable or the holder for an external device. Außer dem larger Display on the tour page, which is not the case in the design of the tour page, it is more matte and clearer. Description: The ROG Phone 8 is the gaming smartphone from Asus that is waterproof and IP68 certified – because the smartphone is also intended for gaming sessions in the bathroom. Asus’ Zenfone model uses the ROG Phone 9 Pro in a bonding booklet, without having to use a spare cable or headset.

The Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro is taken in hand. The display is there. Auf dem Display est un sequence aus der Einrichtungsmission zu sehen.

The display is slightly darker.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

The AMOLED screen on the order page is 6.78 inches big. Here is also the finger pressure sensor. The price of the display is 2,500 nits for the Asus. I am Alltag konnten wir beim Praxis-Test feststellen, dass das Display jederzeit hell genug war. Under normal conditions, the display rate is between 165 and 165 Hertz – until later. Im Rahmen von Game Genie supports ausgewählte game with an image format up to 185 Hertz.

Bee Print Processor

I’m inside the Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Elite. The normal Pro version uses 16 GB (GB) RAM. The Pro version (which we tested) includes 24 GB of RAM. Also be inn Speicher gibt es Unterschiede: 512 GB gibt es for the Pro and for the Pro-Edition 1 Terabyte Speicherplatz. This is the ideal slot for a verschmerzbar SD card. Die Power is in every fall influenced: In all benchmarks, the smartphone is even better placed than the Vorgänger. Fürs Zocken ist the Smartphone in thisser Hinsicht also sehr gut ausgerüstet. More and more holes are like immersed in X-Mode – there is a back and forth with the Strom command.

Zocken mit AI

Gaming Setzt Asus 2024 Theme with smart intelligence. The soll Gamer AI supports and adapts to all requirements. In the context of a game like “Genshin Impact” you are now looking for the sellers and, among other things, there is a study on the collection of items – automatic self-collection is not entirely possible , there was loot planned. Ebenfalls exclusive in this game is the automatic Abhauen – Auto Escape ermöglicht a schnelle Befreiung au Fallen wie etwa Eis. Finally, the AI ​​das Laufen: Ein Druck auf die entsprechende Taste genügt und schon müssen Sie nur noch die Richtung mittels Kameradrehung vorgeben. Warning: Clips do not detect the character automatically. The story of “Genshin Impact” or “Honkai Star Rail” is not interesting, but it is also based on automatic dialogue analysis. Also yesterday it was written and it was written with the speakers on the display. You can use these functions under Game Genie’s Punkt X Sense. What you look for in the test: Players find the best methods of automatic loot collection – automatic slots hinge on the next collection.

Screenshot of Game Genie on the Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro. You see, it's X Sense.

X Sense in Game-Genie-Bereich offers KI functions.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Screenshot from Genshin Impact. You see Kaedehara Kazuha in a green company.

Have you found it? The small shape of the automatic switch returns to the next level.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

But now there is no game with AI functions: ‘interior. When you are in a party game and you are not able to support the AI ​​Grabber: auto-written text and the AI ​​is automatic when playing over the network. The title Multiplayer-Online-Battle-Arena supports AI according to Asus’s instructions when automatically implementing new skills at the level of entsprechenden tastes.

Abseits der künstlichen Intelligenz bietet Game Genie has more details on the taste on the smartphones page. In the fastest action for each game, the action of the action on the trigger is also possible.

More artistic intelligence

The ROG Phone 9 (Pro) is not described by Asus in the gaming sector, when it has AI. Practical: The company can use AI functions without connecting to the Internet. Wie eine Art Trankript soll die Übersetzung von Telefonanrufen funktionieren. Hierbei werden beide Parts in die Sprache des Teilnehmenden übersetzt. So let’s have some games in one of the Fremden Land and Restaurant per Telefon in Landessprache reservations. Yesterday you read the communication on the text, the smartphone is anzeigt. Pages allow you to read these text sentences for transcriptions of recordings with the Handy Item Note Recorder. Im Test zeigte sich, dass sich seit der Einführung mit dem Zenfone 11 Ultra Only one hat, free of charge, is not used until now. Übrigens: Auch die Zusammenfassung des Textes funktioniert inzwischen auf Deutsch.

Screenshot of the Recorder app. Die Zusammenfassung eines Textes ist zu read.

The translation from the text to the text is in German – aber noch nicht fahlerfrei.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

One game is background credits for boot images with KI on the ROG Phone 9 Pro. This is a unique theme and a custom zusätzlichen image or generated image. Also be in the Gallery or in the Einstellungen hilft die KI: Im Hintergrund sucht sie etwa passende Bilder oder Einstellungspunkte zu eingegebenen Begriffen heraus. Although the images work with the concept, they are not yet in the gut – but only one person can complain about KI zuordnen. In the Monaten kommenden soll also Circle to Search on the smartphone möglich sein.

Can you die the camera?

On the rear view there is a right to open the Kamerablock. You can find the main camera with 50 Megapixels (MP), a Telephone camera (32 MP) and an Ultra-high resolution camera (13 MP). When the ROG Phone 9 is normal, the Asus phone uses a 5 MP digital camera – but the cameras are not compatible with the Pro version either. The front camera at the order page exceeds 32 MP.

Bei Tageslicht see the Bilder mit der Hauptkamera gut aus, Details werden gut eingefangen, Farben and Kontrast Hinterlassen einen guten Eindreuck. If the first Zoom-Stufen nutzt, erhält ebenfalls ordentliche Ergebnisse mit detailtreuen Aufnahmen. Lediglich mit all aufgedrehter Vergrößerung – unter Einsatz der Telelinse bis zu 30-fach – verschwimmen die Details. This is also the case for the other architects of the fall. The Ultraweitwinkellinse macht ebenfalls einen guten Eindruck.

Photo of Hamburg skyline near the sky. You will see the Hamburger Rathaus, St. Nicholas Church and three other Hauptkirchen-Türme.

Bei Tageslicht fängt de Hauptkamera die Details gut ein.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

Photo of the Dächern in Hamburg. I am the home of the Turm of the Hamburger Rathaus. It's harmless and light.

You can also see Vergrößerung stimmt die Darstellung der Details.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

The Frontkamera gives chances of success during manufacturing, but the Tageslicht is not up to the task. Consider the mode of carriage, the thin lines of the train background, and the path to the background. Hier hat die Technik anderer Hersteller häufiger Probleme.

Selfie a woman. Sie lächelt in die Kamera. You chose a round scarf with a gold buckle, a white shirt and a brown cardigan. Sie hat brown Haare.

Only small passages on the page can allow the background camera to focus on the background.

Photo: COMPUTER BILD / Janina Carlsen

For KI-Schwenks there is a mode with KI in the camera app. Die Anleitung ist allerdings irreführend. Im Praxis-Test entstanden trotz genauer Befolgung der Anleitung keine vernünftigen Bilder. This means that the Modus eigentlich Objekte wie a fahrendes Auto einfangen and the Hintergrund entsprechend unscharf machen. In the Grundsatz handelt there is an interesting function, the allerdings zum Testzeitpunkt do not have a rich function.

Big deal for the old Spielspass

The ROG Phone 9 Pro’s charger is pretty much the same: with 300 milliamps, it can reach 5,800 milliamps. In the box there is a charging box with a power of 65 watts. Wer the Handy nicht et Kabel stecken will, profitiert von der cables Ladefunktion. It is guaranteed up to a charging power of 15 watts.

Asus ROG Phone 9 (Pro): Price, Colors, Sale

The Asus ROG Phone 9 (Pro) is available in unknown versions. The Asus ROG Phone 9 is available in Storm White and Phantom Black. The ROG Phone 9 Pro and the Edition version of the Pro are only in black. Bei der Edition des Pro-Models is the new Kühler im Lieferumfang. The most original version starts at 1,099 euros – the Pro version costs 1,299 euros and has been sold, but the Edition version costs 1,499 euros.

Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro: Fazit Praxis-Tests

The Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro is the best choice for buyers. Now that we have some special Gaming-Smartphones here, we also have some Smartphones for Games. Therefore Asus zeigt, dass sich das Schrauben an den richtigen Stellen durrchaus lohnen kann: Die Schultertasten, die vielen Gaming-Funktionen and the zusätzliche Zubehör machen das Paket rund. Of course, the ROG Phone 9 Pro falls short of gaming quality with a good camera. We also have the focus on games on the smartphone, but also in the label that corresponds to the most suitable device, and a definitive click on the ROG Phone 9 Pro is available.