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Battlefield Next: So let DICE have another Katastrophen-Launch released

Battlefield Next: So let DICE have another Katastrophen-Launch released

Aktuell works together with more studios and the management of “Battlefield”-Reihe. A member of Insider Gaming has completed several EA and DICE tests with large community tests carried out, as well as the launch of “Battlefield 2042”.

In November 2021, I will launch the development of DICE with the Shooter “Battlefield 2042” a technique like a throwing play when throwing.

Even though DICE is within a month of releasing various updates with clear information, “Battlefield 2042” does not start smoothly. Damit sich solch ein Szenario nicht wiederholt, kündigte EA bereits im Sommer Wide range Community-Tests A. Testing began in 2025 and DICE in the last few months, with feedback on the whole, for the launch of the new “Battlefields” für eine bessere Spielerfahrung sorgt.

We have the Insider Gaming team in the business, including DICE and EA in playtesting, without the community falling by the wayside. This is a response to a “game of chance” in the central point of internal questions.

Laut den current Berichten werden DICE et der en Teams auf unterschiedliche Tests setzen. These three review sites are small until big tests are done with many gambling games. “Naturally, this is not unbelievable, the game shows the Entwicklung Playtests durchlaufen. Fast jedes Spiel hat sie irgendwann, mais ce Evil est le Dinge deutlich anders”, therefore Insider Gaming.

“Quellen zufolge finden Playtests mit externaln Spielern viel häufiger statt als bei früheren Teilen, et die Menge an gesammelten Daten et Feedbacks ist die größte en der Geschichte der Reihe. »

In organized community testing, there’s more: “Small comment sections all the way up to the biggest angelic player tests done on Battlefield don’t have the same response as the player first.” It is now that this analysis was carried out in the early years, and EA and its studios created an experiment for the Battlefield community test environment in Betracht.

“In Welchem ​​​​Umfang cese jedoch derzeit integriert wird, ce est unknown.”

EA is talking more and more about Battlefield-Projekt

Auf der Hauseigenen “Investor Day 2024” – Presentation In September, EA formulated ambitions and did not embark on the big “Battlefield” project in the series book. Derzeit works between different studios and the management of the Shooter-Reihe.

DICE will allow you to create the multiplayer edition of the new “Battlefield” titles, with the franchise studio to experience “Battlefield 2042” to modify the styles to help you.

EA Motive, Studio background the remake of “Dead Space” And “Star Wars: Squadrons”will be launched by the publisher for the solo version of the next “Battlegrounds” within itself. Support is provided by Criterion Games Studios. The machine of “Need for speed: limitless” Wirken sowohl an der Campagne also in multiplayer with.

A number of people within the Bunde are Studio Ripple Effect, which is “a new work on Battlefield-Effect”. This EA has a späteren Zeitpunkt enthüllen.

More information on mergers Battlefield.

These news on the PlayStation forum are discussed

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