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Dolphins are extremely intelligent animals – here’s why

Dolphins are extremely intelligent animals – here’s why

Dolphins exhibit prosocial behavior and have complex communication methods.

Jamie Bichelman – Author
Two dolphins swim together under blue water.
Source: iStock

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As beloved as dolphins are, there is much to be said for their intellectual capacity, which is why so much research on their brains is available.

Let’s see why dolphins are among the most intelligent animals we know.

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How intelligent are dolphins compared to humans?

According to an article from Sciencedolphins are believed to be the second most intelligent species on the planet, behind humans.

That said, there is no formal, standardized test to determine an intelligence quotient for dolphins or humans.

This does not mean that we cannot make scientific observations in other ways. From observations of dolphin behavior, we understand that dolphins reflect human intelligence in many significant ways, which is why animal behaviorists are of vital importance.

By Reader SummaryDolphins use unique sounds to signify that they recognize each other. In other words, their name is through their whistles.

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By Sciencethe brain of the bottlenose dolphin is larger than the human brain. And what Science described as a “highly complex neocortex”, in terms of their capacity for emotional and social intelligence, problem solving and overall learning ability, dolphins seem to surprise and impress behaviorists and researchers on a daily basis.

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According to England and Wales-based registered charity Whale and Dolphin Conservation, dolphins have always been intelligentbut it seems that over time they have evolved to become even more sophisticated.

Like humans, dolphins exhibit prosocial behavior. For example, they have been observed jumping through the air in groups, and for no other discernible reason, experts believe this is done for social fun.

Additionally, dolphins enjoy games and have been observed participating in activities similar to how humans play chase, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation.

By Science timedolphins have also evolved nuanced communication systems, recognize yourself in mirrorsfeeding together and a host of other human-like activities.

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Dolphins are photographed jumping out of the water in New Zealand's Bay of Islands.
Source: iStock

Are dolphins as intelligent as a 7 year old child?

No, dolphins are not as intelligent as a 7-year-old human, but because intelligence is a multifactorial concept, dolphins surpass human intelligence in other ways.

It is common to want to make comparisons between animal and human intelligence, given that crows were once proclaimed to have processing power to reason like that of a 7 year old child, according to the Tutor.

A the dolphin limbic system and social intelligence, by ZME Sciencesurpasses that of the human brain. Add it all up, and while a dolphin may not have the academic intelligence of a 7-year-old human, its intelligence is fascinating in many other ways.