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The FIRSTonline and the Ref Ricerche Guide to Finance are in the Monat der Finanzbildung zu einem Buch and an E-Book – FIRSTonline

The FIRSTonline and the Ref Ricerche Guide to Finance are in the Monat der Finanzbildung zu einem Buch and an E-Book – FIRSTonline

The Anlässlich of Financial Education Month is the Guide to Finance, which was published in 16 pages by FIRSTonline and by Ref Ricerche in Zusammenarbeit with Allianz Bank Financial Advisors, as a printed book and an online e-book . On January 16, 2025, the Leitfaden will take place in Rome in the prestigious headquarters of the Dante Alighieri Society presented. The list of authorities includes assurance for quality and authority for rules, as well as guarantee and interest instruments for financial definition.

I am monat november gewidmetFinancial Image the Finance Guide, written by ZUERSTONonline and a grand prize of Ref-Suchen mit der Zusammenarbeit von Allianz Bank Financial OfficeWird zu einem gedruckten Buch et un E-Book, das vom Florentiner Haus veröffentlicht wird Goware these are sofort allen Online-Plattformen and Buchhandlungen vertreiben wird Amazon But this is not the case: the nearest events take place online in a simple way. Sleeps Leitfaden zur Finanzierungin the 24th episode of FIRSTonline, appears and in the 16 best presentations from the world ausgestrahlt wurde, which will be presented Rome from January 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the prestigious center of the head office Dante Alighieri-Gesellschaftin Piazza di Firenze 27.

The Leitfaden wurde als wirklich hochwertiges Finanzbildungsinstrument konzipiert and entwickelt, richtet sich jedoch nicht an Finanzspezialisten, sondern an ein breiteres public, das näher and die Geheimnisse des Finanzwesens herankommen and this entdecken möchte, indem es sie von Massive blichen and zuverlässigen Stimmen lernt. Everyone is interested in the world of finance of the time, from asset markets to the annuity market, from investment funds to ETFs, from investments to the dynamics and timing of financial investments, in cryptocurrencies and much more in innovation. Of the artistic intelligence, the financial statements also last.

The list of authorities, renowned academics, economists, financial analysts and general directors of the Bank of Italy and Consob, is also a guarantor of quality and authority. During the presentation of Angelo Baglioni, Fedele De Novellis and Luca Paolazzi from Ref Ricerche present the financial guide from the representatives of Magda Bianco, Fabrizio Galimberti, Marcello Messori, Luca Filippa, Ilaria Fornari, Andrea Terzi, Angelo Drusiani, Carluccio Bianchi and Alfonso Del Giudice, Manuela Geranio, Demis Todeschini, Roberto Bianchini, Luigi Nardella, Riccardo Sabbatini, Davide Tabarelli, Mario Breglia, Pierangelo Soldavini, Marcello Esposito, Rony Hamaui, Antonio Foglia, Angelo Marotta, Riccardo De Bonis, Stefano Siviero and Claudia Segre.

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