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WhatsApp: No more Sprachnachrichten abhören

WhatsApp: No more Sprachnachrichten abhören

The meta used by Messenger WhatsApp is permanent and has a permanent function. Jetzt kündigen die Entwickler ein weiteres Intelligent Feature an: die Transkription von Sprachnachrichten.

WhatsApp: Sprachnachrichten in Text umwandeln

With WhatsApp you can’t use messenger bots, but you also have to send detailed instructions. Doch nicht immer hat man die Möglichkeit, diese abzuhören. Zum Beispiel in Umgebungen, in denen zu Viele ungebeten mithören. In certain situations, man needs to be in touch with messages: WhatsApp applies to text and zeitgeist information on his smartphone.

To activate the new function

For the new activation function you also need to read the transcripts under Einstellungen, Cats, Transcriptions von Sprachnachrichten activated. For continued use, you must have a long-lasting and long-lasting spray bottle, which is also suitable for use. Transcribed erscheint. – Laut Pressemeldung wird WhatsApp das Transkribieren nach et nach ausrollen; It is also possible that this feature is not used on your smartphone.