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Deer season increases driving dangers

Deer season increases driving dangers

GENESEE CO., Michigan (WNEM) – Deer are on the move and with mating and hunting season underway, drivers face increased danger on the roads.

We are currently in the heart of deer season and last year Genesee County ranked in the top three most deer-related accidents in Michigan.

“The state of Michigan has a herd of nearly 2 million deer,” said Adrienne Woodland, AAA spokeswoman.

As we see the leaves begin to fall from the trees, Woodland said we can also expect to see more deer.

“Nearly 44 percent of accidents involving vehicles and deer occur during the months of October, November and December, so we are actually in the middle of peak season,” she said.

According to AAA, there were 58,806 deer accidents last year, down slightly from 58,984 in 2022, injuring more than 1,700 people, killing 19 and causing more than $130 million in damage.

In Michigan, Kent County had the highest number of accidents, followed by Oakland and Genesee counties.

“Genesee County is actually the third highest with over 1,600 vehicle-deer accidents in the county,” Woodland said.

She said deer are usually around dawn and dusk and if you see one, slow down. Chances are there are others nearby.

“For motorcyclists, it’s the same. Stay awake, alert and sober. Slow down and watch for deer every time you ride. Cover breaks to reduce reaction time, use your high beams when possible and wear protective gear at all times,” Woodland said.

And if a deer jumps in front of your car, Woodland said, don’t move out of the way.

“By swerving, you could potentially hit another vehicle, you could hit something stopped on the side of the road, which could cause a lot more damage to your vehicle or even injure you,” he said. she explained.

If you hit a deer, Woodland suggests staying in your car and moving out of the way if it’s safe. She says to then call for help, whether it’s 911 or a tow truck.

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