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Resistance liberals hit for their floating and rigged electoral theory

Resistance liberals hit for their floating and rigged electoral theory

Progressive journalist, commentator and radio host Dean Obeidallah was dragged on social media after suggesting that the 2024 elections could have been influenced by malfeasance.

In a series of posts on X (formerly Twitter), Obeidallah suggested that at the very least, a vote recount might be in order, citing the number of Democrats with “questions” about the former president. Donald Trump win a second term Tuesday.

“The growing chorus of Democrats questioning whether Trump won legitimately is now too big to simply ignore,” Obeidallah tweeted. “I’m not saying there was fraud, but I’m saying we need recounts and public audits so people can trust the system.”

In another post, Obeidallah wrote: “If anyone could finance a massive voter fraud scheme, it would be Elon Musk. He also has a motive.

Given Obeidallah’s strike history Asset and his supporters because of their stolen election declarations, he has been scrutinized. Here is a small sample of some of the responses:

In an opinion piece for NBC News after the 2020 election, Obeidallah commented:

President Donald Trump is not simply seeking to undermine President-elect Joe Biden’s presidency, nor is he seeking to position himself for a 2024 presidential run, as many have suggested. No, Trump’s No. 1 goal is to overturn the results of the 2020 election. It’s time for Biden and other Democratic leaders to describe his actions in the most forceful and universally understandable language possible. And that means, in this case, calling them part of a coup attempt to illegally overthrow Biden’s presidency.

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