

Breaking: Beyond Headlines!

The Simpsons finally answered a Homer question fans have always wondered about, and my fandom is split in two because of it

The Simpsons finally answered a Homer question fans have always wondered about, and my fandom is split in two because of it

Spoilers below for anyone who hasn’t watched yet The Simpsons» latest episode, “Shoddy Heat,” so be warned!

As the world’s longest-running scripted series Fall TV schedule, The Simpsons hasn’t run out of episode ideas yet and will hopefully never run out of ideas. Treehouse of Horror A+ Parodies. Its final flashback episode, the pulpy near-noir “Shoddy Heat,” delivered a relatively rare episode centered on Abe digging into his past as a private detective partnered with Billy O’Donnell, with the voice of Topher Grace . And Abe is apparently the catalyst for one of the biggest fan questions for over three decades: How does Homer keep his job?