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Kein E-Auto for 20,000 Euro: Autohersteller stampft Pläne ein

Kein E-Auto for 20,000 Euro: Autohersteller stampft Pläne ein

The Lucid Air is still available in the United States.

(Press Inform)The Lucid Air is still available in the United States.

The US-Autobauer Lucid is with the Luxuslimousine Air in the top league of electric vehicles. The car is always safe and has a high performance. The plan planned for a 20,000 euro car will not be intended for Tesla vehicles without more interest.

It turned out during its year, and clear-headed boss Peter Rawlinson was very ambitious beyond his ambitions, with a $25,000 car in its volume segment. The experienced Tesla engineer tried to be truly realistic. Sprach er doch von einem Zeitfenster von mindestens acht Jahren, das sich allerdings über powerful Cooperen auf die Hälfte verkleinern könne.

The Ausklang of the years 2024 is only lucid for 25,000 US dollars (approximately 23,600 euros) in real time. The best-selling Lucid Gravity, the second model of the brand, is available in the most recent version of three times. Also active Cooperation in other Preissegments does not apply. Im Gegenteil: Es mehren sich die Berichte, dass sich Lucid das marginenschwache Geschäft im unteren Preisbereich aussi en Zukunft weder leisten kann noch will. Dabei läuft der Handel mit den teuren Aerial models Last time you are offended, it is also the melting point on the other side of the market.

Lucid Setzt Weiter auf Spitzentechnologie

How berichtet, hat Rawlinson has active Ambitionen, a Billigauto zu produzieren. The bottom of the batteries are old, but the efficiency of the new batteries is correct – also for all small batteries that are suitable for use. That’s right, which is why the clear-headed chef phrased it in a Wall Street Journal podcast, “The Electrical Appliance Technology Booth Will Let Us Do It.” When Lucid received $25,000 for an electric car, it couldn’t pay for the technical transfer. The market for these automobiles is “furchtbar niedrige Margen”, for Lucid nicht von Interesse soi.

Peter Rawlinson expanded his statement in his statement on mergers, dass das Geschäft mit Elektroautos in den USA rückläufig sei. This is not a high adjustment rate, but the handle is placed behind a “false handling” reference. Lucid verkaufte im dritten Quartal 2024 deutlich more Autos, als in selben Vorjahreszeitraum. The money can reach an amount of 138 million (approximately 130 million euros) out of 200 million US dollars (approximately 189 million euros). Also with the Liquidity there is the last problem that has arisen, the Unternehmen are still the same as before.