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“Comedian” seems to be: Is a million dollars worth?

“Comedian” seems to be: Is a million dollars worth?

“Comedian” by Maurizio Cattelan:Is a million dollars worth?

ZDFheute Update - Elisa Kart

by Elisa Kart

A banana and some adhesive tape, even more brauchte es nicht, um die Kunstwelt 2019 in Aufruhr zu verszen. Jetzt wird the Werk des Künstlers Maurizio Cattelan von Sotheby’s versteigert.

The work of art "Actor" von Maurizio Cattelan (undatierte Aufnahme).

“Comedian” by Maurizio Cattelan came under the hammer at Sotheby’s.

Quelle: Sotheby’s/dpa

Dieses Kunstwerk heißt “Comedian”. It’s a banana, with duct tape and a wand hanging from it. Material: Unter fünf Euro. More information about the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan has not taken place in the world of art 2019.

As the company works within Art Basel Miami Beach, it must be able to work even if many people can use it. Only one man lost the banana, and one man lost it. Das Werk and the Tumult are auf der Messe auslöste – a security risk for the Veranstalter.
Von der Ausstellung in die Welt – “Comedian” goes viral. Glauben Sie nicht? You will also find “Banana Duct Tape” in your device’s GIF generator. There are no works of art in the field of art, but also in the entire art world from Kenner to Furore zu Sorgen (Banksy is misplaced).
25.08.2024, Bayern, Neubeuern: Malt Laurent Schwarz in his workshop large-format picture with acrylic colors.

Is it art? Laurent Schwarz is three years alt and malt. Für seine “Werke” werden mittlerweile regelmäßig fünfstellige Summen bezahlt.09.19.2024 | 2:50 minutes

Bananen-Kunst von Cattelan is versteigert

Is it a Scherz? A comment on the art world? This other man is looking for: “Comedian” which is the same.

The Sotheby’s auction house sold on November 20 and received a bid of $1 million to $1.5 million within the year.

There are other works of art from the 21st that are so old Skandale ausgelöst, the fantasy beflügelt and the definition of the art of the time auf den Kopf gestellt, like Maurizio Cattelans “comedian”.


Was the man bekommt, when the man “Comedian” ersteigert

Wer “Comedian” ersteigert, wird allerdings keine der Bananen erhalten, die damals auf der Messe zu sehen waren. Das wäre ziemlich unappetizing. Nein, laut Sotheby’s war immer sehen, the Obst and Tape regelmäßig ersetzt werden.

Statt des Originalkunstwerks wird also ein Zertifikat ausgehändigt, “das dem Besitzer die Erlaubnis und Befugnis verleiht, this Banane and the Klebeband auf seiner Wand als Original-Kunstwerk von Maurizio Cattelan zu reproduzieren”, declared David Galper in the Leiter der Abteilung für zeitgenössische Kuns t von Sotheby’s gegenüber AP.

Moderator Jo Schück and the hosts of the broadcast will be at 13-Fragen Spielfeld.

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The message indicating the banana

But was this the message of the “Comedian”? Liegt das nicht, as so often, I am the Trough of Trachters? The dozen Chloe Cooper Jones of the Columbia University School of the Arts believes that Cattelan is within his work, “uns zu provozieren” and dazu zu Bringen, Dunkle Aspekte der Geschichte et la proper Persönlichkeit zu betrachten.

Auch bei Sotheby’s macht man sich Gedanken. Kunst, ein Scherz, ein Symbol für den exzessiven Kunsthandel – “es ist natürlich all das”, heißt es da.

From Baumgärtel to Warhol: Bananen in der Kunst

And then Cattelan is naturally not the first time, the banana in his reinformation is abildet. This is how the German artist Thomas Baumgärtel Bananen created an art museum and gallery.

Banana by Thomas Baumgärtel

Thomas Baumgärtel created “Bananensprayer”.

Which: imago/Schöning

In 1967, Andy Warhol created the cover for the group’s first album “Velvet Underground”. Gleichzeitig produced and the Album also.
The cover "Underground velvet" by Andy Warhol at an auction in Sweden.

Andy Warhol’s ‘Velvet Underground’ cover at auction in Sweden

Which: imago/TT

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The Brandhorst Museum in Munich is represented in an exhibition with two art icons – Andy Warhol and Keith Haring.06.28.2024 | 1 hour 30 minutes

A person holds a smartphone in their hand. Darauf is the WhatsApp channel of the ZDF channel to watch.

Which: ZDF

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