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7 Verhandlungsteams and their themes: Is this problem serious?

7 Verhandlungsteams and their themes: Is this problem serious?

It is very easy to do it, but the will is there. “Wir alle three müssen nicht zusammenarbeiten, wir möchten zusammenarbeiten”, so the tenor during the final of sondierungsrunde zwischen Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), Andreas Babler (SPÖ) and Beate Meinl-Reisinger (Neos). 7 The steam devices are installed in such a way that they are set during the following day, with which the themes are settled and auf die Suche nach dem gemeinsamen Nenner machen sollen.

Welchen der Themenbereiche halten Sie für den rängendsten? Would you like new regulations to be available? If there is a problem, the water vapors you have available can help you stop the main thing? Did the operation take place for you? Stimulate yourself and chat with yourself!

More on the theme

Nehammer ZiB2 Video

Domestic policy

Nehammer über künftiges Regierungsprogramm: “Ausgabenbremse oberste Prämisse”

VIENNA. Le Bundeskanzler Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) in the “ZiB 2” über die Koalitionsverhandlungen et warum die künftige Regierung keine Sideletter braucht.

Nehammer über künftiges Regierungsprogramm: “Ausgabenbremse oberste Prämisse”


info By clicking on the icon, you will be able to find the tea herb on your theme.

By clicking on the icon, you will see your “my theme” page. You already have von 15 Schlagworten gespeichert und müssten Schlagworte entfernen.

info By clicking on the icon, you will see the schlagwort on your theme.

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