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The hinterland of CATL sellers in China is precisely this Japanese employer

The hinterland of CATL sellers in China is precisely this Japanese employer

However, if the size is larger, it will not be necessary to do so. A strategic commitment and stop by Japanese electronics manufacturers TDK for the launch of CATL beigetragen – der heute als der weltweit größte Hersteller von Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge ore.

TDK Headquarters

Aber von vorne: TDKs Expertise lies all in magnetic Ferriten. In the 1980s, more and more people were playing music. With the release of CDs and digital music, you can use the Management aber frühzeitig, dass der Umsatz mit den Magnetbändern schrumpfen würde. An alternative must be with it and TDK with a chance to create digital solutions for computer electronics.

1986 becomes TDK of the Hong Kong Unternehmen SAE, das bis heute Marktführer bei Magnetaufzeichnungsköpfen für Festplatten ist. With the engineers from TDK, an engineer named Robin Zeng and Damit – like him also sollte – a visionary.

The potential of battery technology is available and the SAE version has been established since 1999 by Amperex Technology Limited (ATL). This is also a chapter on the well-known story, which is also inside a specialist workshop, and TDK worked on ATL in January 2005 and saw Zeng as leitenden Angestellten.

Florierend as Anbieter von Batterien für Smartphones

Unter der Eigentümerschaft von TDK flierte ATL et wurde zum führenden von Batterien für Smartphones etere Haltungselektronik. But Zeng has big ambitions. While Elektrofahrzeuge an Zugkraft gewannen, it is at the end of the year 2000 that there is a greater chance. Is this TDK support for a workaround: Are the devices ready to use EV batteries?

After an intensive interview, internal discussions focused on TDK data, entrusted to Fumio Sashida, head of TDKs Batteriesparte. Zu big schien das Risiko. “Damals waren wir technologisch nicht führend, besonders not bi Elektroauto-Batterien”, nennnt TDKs Experte einen Grund. “We have already developed information and communication technologies,” says Sashida.

Darüber hinaus sorgte sich the Unternehmen, as die enormous Investitionen and the Entwicklungdessuswand the Unternehmen finanziell überfordern and Entwicklungsressourcen überlasten könnte. Zeng verließ daraufhin TDK ain deuxweites Mal et gründete dann 2011 sein new Unternehmen CATL. Nur für den Start beteiligte sich TDK mit a neuen öffentlich genannten Summe an Zengs neuestem Startup, un ihn bei seinem neuen Abenteuer zu unterstützen.

CATL auf dem Weg zum Weltmarktführer bei Autoakkus

Dies sich für beide parteien as a erfolgreiche Entscheidung. Laut dem Marktforscher SNE Research war CATL in dersten Jahreshälfte Weltmarktführer bei Autoakkus – with a global market share of 37.8 percent. Second place Chinese automaker BYD sits at 15.8 percent. CATL-Gründer Zeng lästerte said in an interview with Reuters for Kurzem about Tesla boss Elon Musk: “Hey hat keine Ahnung davon, wie man Batterien herstellt.”

In current times, TDK is in the position of smartphones and power batteries and tackles new technologies, with innovation Laser projection system for smart glasses. Employers can find agile Chinese cleaning services at any time, and they also have Asian services – such as Subventions and Subventions – which are available on a daily basis. Denn TDK schlägt die Konkurrenz mit deren eigenen Waffen: mit Chinese Engineers.

TDK and CATL services

Even more: When you get long marschierten, there is another contact with TDK and Zeng is not abgerissen. If you have already entered the battery, you will need to use the new batteries. Thus, TDK and CATL have joined the two joint ventures of the year, the large automotive battery store and Energy indicators for Strom energy bars entwickeln and verkaufen. The Finanznachrichtendienst Bloomberg will be available in September, the TDK for the GM of the American company Akkus herstellen könnte – with CATL technology.

The best hat goes to the men involved. Donald Trump’s seat in the US presidency has yet to be figured out. Immerhin Will Trump Hart against China and Oil, gas and Kohle available. But so a deal was an attractive deal in business between Japanese TDK and Chinese CATL.

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