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Wie eine Banane zur millionenschweren Kunst wurde – DW – 21.11.2024

Wie eine Banane zur millionenschweren Kunst wurde – DW – 21.11.2024

Do you want a banana for more purchases of millions of euros? Das klingt verrückt, doch genau das hat jemand en New York geade getan. The work of Italian composers Maurizio Cattelan with the title “Comedian” is the best in a book about a banana. If it is not massive Gold, it is a normal gun, but it is not Banana. The artist became famous with a group of clothes and a magic wand. This work of art from Sotheby’s in New York cost 6.2 million dollars and cost 5.9 million euros. The costs, which you receive at an estimated cost, are worth 1.5 million dollars.

No vergammeln Bananen ja bekanntermaßen. Doch keine Sorge: Die Person, die die Banane ersteigert hat, erhält keineswegs eine verschimmelte or gar konservierte Fruit, sondern a frische Banane, dazu eine Rolle Klebeband, eine ausführliche Anleitung zur Ausstellung des Werks and ein Echtheitszertifikat. Maurizio Cattelan, engaged in satirical and provocative work, participated in this 2019 activity at Kunstmesse Art Basel Miami Beach for exhibitions. Galerie Perrotin is offering three copies with a price of 2,120,000 and 150,000 dollars.

Augenzwinkernder Comments on the Board of Directors

The artist David Datuna sits in front of the journalist's microphone.
Er hatte Hunger: The artist David Datuna is the author of the work of Cattelans Bananen-Kunstwerk zur Performance. The title: “Hungry artist” Image: Mary Altaffer/AP Photo/photo alliance

In an interview with Cattelan’s Zeitschrift “The Art Newspaper” 2021: “For my witty war ‘comedian’, an in-depth commentary and reflection were formulated.” Auf Kunstmessen, therefore der Künstler, herrschten Eile und Geschäft. Da habe er sich überlegt: “When I am at another Mass within muss, cann ich also a Banana verkaufen, so wie andere ihre Bilder verkaufen.” That’s everyone inside Games Systems. “Aber nach meinen eigenen Regeln.”

So War Cattelans “Comedian” is in the Zeit worldwide and sets the art world auf. One reviewer called it a “brilliant commentary on consumer services and art.” And this is one of the most difficult tasks, which takes place during the Kunstmesse.

Like NFTs (“Non-fungible Token”), the arts market of the time is in standby mode, but there is no physical business in the physical business of the artists’ hands, which shows the artists’ idea for the work of art. Darum geht es schließlich bei der Konzeptkunst.

Alles Banane: Obst als Kunstobjekt

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David Galperin, Leiter der Abteilung für zeitgenössische Kunst in Nord- und Südamerika beim Auktionshaus Sotheby’s, wrote this: “When the ‘comedian’ is at the heart of the beginning of the works of art in the Frage magazine, then it will be possible that the direction of the company is the ultimate Verwirklichung seiner grundlegenden konzeptionellen Idee sein – die. Öffentlichkeit wird endlich ein Mitspracherecht bei der Entscheidung über seinen wahren Wert haben.”

A banana on another Ebony

A teacher from Cattelans, the Georgian performance artist David Datuna, is also participating in the Kunstmesse Art Basel Miami Beach 2019 in the work of a relative: he lost the banana of the baguette and found it. This is a form of artistic intervention, that of “Hungry Artist”. In an interview with the newspaper “The Guardian”, the action in question was published, the review of Datuna, the work for such a living life was published, saying about Cattelan: “I stop for a genius . Art is knowledge. , a Spaß, a Tragödie, a I got the idea from Andy Warhol’s banana, but I think Cattelan got the banana from another Ebony artist.”

A cover of the group Velvet Underground is in an explanation to see
Andy Warhols Bananen-Cover for Velvet Underground, here in a 2016 editionImage: Ian Langsdon/dpa/photo alliance

As well as the American pop artist Andy Warhol, the creator of the commercial branch, fertigte seine Kunst bisweilen au gewöhnlichen Haushaltsgegenständen, darunter Bananen. The image of a banana is used for a cover by the group Velvet Underground. Im Gegensatz zu Cattelan sah Warhol sein Werk as endlos reproducierbar and for einen Massenmarkt geeignet.

As is the case with Warhol, he is in an iconic painting that is not urheberrechtlich schützen and any other artist auf den plan gerufen. One of their souvenirs is that of the Deutsche Thomas Baumgärtel, published in 1986 in the same version of Warhols Banana in more than 4000 museums and galleries around the world and the fresh fruit, for an artistic symbol for art staff.

A banana is a banana – or is it?

Die Banane, like überhaupt Obst, is found in art with a big theme. Die Banane does not have its own special form for male sexuality – as Warhol’s work did. But also in the works of the Mexican Malerin Frida Kahlo who plays the banana a roll. Your tropischen Herkunft wegen würzt die Banane bis heute so manga Kunst mit einem Hauch des Exotischen – jedenfalls bei Europäischen Künstlern.

Eine Banane is a magic wand for a designed art gallery.
The bananas by German artists Thomas Baumgärtel can be found in a zahlreichen art store, here in front of the Eigen+Art Gallery in Berlin.Image: Eckelt/Caro/photo alliance

Beide Elemente kommen in “Consumer Art” zum Tragen, a video and a photograph during the 1970s by the Polish artist Natalia LL. You are a langsam camera model and suggestive verschiedene Lebensmittel verspeisen, launching into a banana. LL’s Werk wirkte nicht nur wegen seiner sinnlichen Anmutung provocant. The National Museum of Poland was opened in 2019 during an exhibition of well-known sites and places. That said, the Bananen zur Entstehungszeit des Werks in Polen – das Land gehörte damals zum sowjetisch dominierten Ostblock – un kaum erschwingliches Luxusgut waren.

The Angels of the Klimawandels and Pilzbefalls, der Bananenpflanzen right, were the price in the Höhe treibt, könnte die Fruits schon bald wieder zu einem exotic Luxusgut werden. Then it was the Moment, in Maurizio Cattelans’ million-dollar banana, which did not have such an absurd result.

Aus dem English adapted by Stefan Dege / updated 21.11.