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The 4 points of the new points which concern the West. From the food of Belarus to the power of the minaccia, it is regulated

The 4 points of the new points which concern the West. From the food of Belarus to the power of the minaccia, it is regulated

Putin has strengthened the nuclear force. Control Ukraine, which consequently against the West and NATO. In the entire profession of Belarus, it is possible to intervene with atomic and precise weapons, which will soon be used also in the event of an attack against unconventional weapons. So I wrote a new nuclear line which will allow you to make your decision, your will, the decision to use or not to use nuclear weapons.

The American media Newsweek analyzed the decree approved at the beginning of the Russian president and isolated the four points most concerned about the new nuclear force of Mosca, which made it through the free access of the Casa Bianca in kyiv for the use missiles in the lung. raggio Atacms anche oltre i confini ucraini.