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Trump put in place a plan for military institutions with means of defense – Politics

Trump put in place a plan for military institutions with means of defense – Politics

US President-elect Donald Trump will deal with the massive illegal immigration of migrants within the military. In a reaction to other speakers Beitrag eines rechtsgerichteten Activists auf von ihm mitbegründeten Plattform Truth Social schrieb der Republikaner: “Wahr!!!” The activist was well placed, the Trump regime will be responsible for the situation and then the military will be involved.

Trump will massage things at the same time for a priority. “On the first day I found the absolute biggest program in the American startup program,” said US-Wahl the following day. The United States is in a “land under siege,” you warn.

At the beginning, Trump demanded to take action. US behavior against criminal migrants has evolved into a central war between the Punkts and the Wahlkampfs.

There are Trump plans for the masses of organizations after going through or finishing plans. It’s a big one and it’s time to hear about the US-Kongresses. Dort haben Trumps Republikaner absehbar in beiden Kammern eine knappe Mehrheit.

Trump (78) will have his second day of hearings on January 20 and the president will speak.

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