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Open AI rollt Advanced Voice further

Open AI rollt Advanced Voice further

OpenAI’s advanced voice functionality, which enables natural conversation with ChatGPT, is also available in the web version. Dies teilt OpenAI on X with. You can see the Feature in the above-mentioned item, so that the Unternehmen hat comes with “Neowin” best titledass man plant, die fortschrittliche Funktion in den kommenden Wochen auch für die User ohne Abo freizuschalten.

We are now looking for the KI-Underlines of the Conversations-Funktion of the Desktop-Apps frequently requested (“Swiss IT Magazine” berichtete), First presentation of the functionality on smartphone applications. Advanced Voice is also available in Europe and Switzerland for use. The self-described OpenAI back and forth for each user is not easy, an Arbeitstag with ChatGPT on a complete web page. (Good)