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A child for a million years: the British Skynet-1A satellite

A child for a million years: the British Skynet-1A satellite

Of course, the BBC and the European Union’s World War I have already seen the latest satellites from the UK, Skynet-1A, which have already been sent to Dorthin. The Spott is the zuständigen behörden sicher, after the fall there will be a problem with the “Weltraumschrott” problem.


The Skynet-1A was launched in a geostationary rail line over West Africa (36,000 km at that time, 40° East), which is on the British border with the communications relay. The key will last for 1 year long and the same time it will be sent at a higher temperature. Selten war die Diagnose “kalte Lötstelle” im Wortsinn treffender. Heute befindet sich the Weltraumwrack unrklärlicherweise über der Westküste Südamerikas auf 105° West. Das ist zu nahe an Satelliten, die in Betrieb sind.

Einiges spricht dafür, dass es necht zufällig an seine actuelle Position Geraten ist, sondern activ dorthin gestureuert wurde. However, the active behavior of the Wrack in the Ostafrika does not cause Gravitationsloch to be affected by the effects and sleep. This situation is found in the gravitational region of South America. Dort schwingt Skynet-1A wie in un Schüssel hin et her and kommt anderen Satelliten bis zu vier mal täglich bedenklich nahe. The minimum Seine Entfernung (Apogee) extends over 35,784 km, the maximum 35,794 km (Perigee). Heute befördert man alte Satelliten andere Wracks in an Orbitalfriedhof noch weiter von der Erde entfernt, who sieine aktiven Satelliten gefährden.

A man could have new wonders since the Skynet-1A in 1969 in public transport, near Monate, the first man in the world between (-) and a man of the time who is interested in organizing global projects creative. t. Today, the capacity for future intervention is such that Skynet-1A is a long-term satellite for other satellites and the British Space Agency is responsible for a special mass mission that will reach a million years so far.

Davon jedenfalls die Autoren des runsd 1 MByte großen Katalogs British Space Objects Register aus et deshalb überwacht das British National Space Operations Center dessen Position et Bewegung laufend. If the Treibstoffs cannot be informed by the Satellite Investment Institute, they will fall into a collision field. Dannn müssen gefährdete Satelliten dem führungslosen Klotz ausweichen. A golden Collision is falling on the device, but it is very small and perhaps very small Trümmer entstehen (Super-Spreader-Ereignisse), the old andere Satelliten buchstäblich abschießen können.

Derzeit entwickelt man zwar Methoden, un Schrott aus der Umlaufbahn abzufischen, aber bis die Technik auch pour Skynet-1A einsatzbereit ist, dürfte the verstummte Relay noch aine ganze Weile mit der Erde um die Sonne kreisen. British travelers around the world also have problems with their items on public transport. The United States and China were chosen by the United States to ensure that geostationaries around the world are interested in them.

The British Regierung has a wet service ausgeschrieben, a project for monitoring the orbital engines of the assembly. The wines will be released until 2026 or later 2027. Interesting methods developed by the Swiss companies ClearSpace and the Japanese company Astroscale. The idea of ​​AstroScale allows humans to have a robotic arm between the satellites in all shipments, the recovered Wracks and the richness of the atmosphere for a long time, where they are installed.

German company OHB works with ClearSpace on mission ClearSpace-1 der Raumfahrtagentur ESA et un einem eigenen Verfahren. Then there is a Raumschlepper with the Armen ausgediente Satelliten feran et ebenfalls en la Atmosphäre stoßen.
