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Generative KI uses solutions for employee cybersecurity

Generative KI uses solutions for employee cybersecurity

Financial news

Berlin (ots) –

The AI ​​generation has implemented development solutions, still others, as well as two supports, manufacturing solutions using more efficient and more efficient technology.

The study “New defenses, new threats: what AI and the AI ​​generation bring to cybersecurity”, is a study of predictions, conclusions and reactions. Two organizational principles prioritize Einsatz von KI’s time in their cybersecurity operations.

The studies extend to organizations KI zwar als Technologie mit strategischer Bedeutung für die Stärkung ihrer Cybersicherheitsstrategien, as well as the larger Inführung(1) of Gen AI in the various branches for better vulnerability. Generative KI brings to organizations three major risks with such: ausgefeiltere Angriffe par la grande Anzahl von Akteuren, un wachsende Angriffsfläche et die Zunahme von Schwachstellen im gesamten Lebenszyklus individualr Gen-AI-Lösungen. Missbrauch von KI and KI generator by Mitarbeitende verschärft die Situation et kann das Risiko für Datenlecks important steigern.

“Der Einsatz von KI und Gen AI ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert: Einerseits bringt er zuvor ungekannte Risiken hervor; security countries in the context of business management are constant regarding the rich infrastructure for data management, frameworks and guidelines for the integration of KI sowie der Faktor Mensch Awareness Program for measures. governmental organizations in the Alltag”, according to Mete Boz, cybersecurity expert at Capgemini in Germany.

Two organizational principles for initial task management

Nahezu all befragten Organizationen (97 Prozent) berichten von Sicherheitsverstößen or -problemen im Zusammenhang mit dem Einsatz generator KI im vergangenen Jahr. The AI ​​generation is exposed to new risks such as hallucinations and future generations, who may or may not inhale someone from Angriffe by Prompt Injection (2). Two of three organizations (67 percent) deal with data poisoning and the discovery of sensitive data, for training Gen-AI models.

Also the Fähigkeit von generativer KI, high realistische synthetische Inhalte zu erzeugen, birgt new Risiken: Plus the last two broken organizations (43 percent) were informed of a Deepfake-Attack financial Verluste zu haben.

Fast 6 out of 10 Companies stop for the news, their cyber budget is on track, and their Abwehr commits to getting started.

KI and Gen AI unverzichtbar zur Angriffserkennung et Reaktion

The creation of 1000 organizations, the KI for their cybersecurity in the field of IT or IT, is one of the most important to date, for their dates, implementations and security in the Cloud . Denn excel this technology können sie riesige Datenmengen in kürzester Zeit analysieren, Muster erkennen et potenzielle Sicherheitsverletzungen vorhersagen.

The page for Integrating KI into your Security Operations Centers (Security Operations Centers/SOCs) has over 60 fragmentation points up to 5 percentage points for implementation by Angriffen; fast 40 Prozent stellten eine um mindestens 5 Prozent reduzierte Behebungsdauer von Sicherheitsvorfällen fest.

Three companies in the fragmented organization (61 percent) engaged KI as a barrier to effective disaster risk response, as it is a proactive security strategy that helps create a proactive security strategy in a prospect of improvement. Darüber hinaus geht derselbe Anteil der Befragten davon aus, dass sie durch Gen AI auch langfristig proactive Verteidigungsstrategien realisieren et Bedrohungen schneller erkennen werden. Furthermore, half of your study is based on the analysis of this technology and cybersites analysts who focus on the complex development strategies of development strategies.

The fully-fledged studies were downloaded and downloaded. (


The Capgemini Research Institute has 1,000 organizations in 12 branches and 13 regions across Asia and Pacific, Europe and North America. These organizations ziehen KI for cybersecurity in the sector or the establishment of such a service. You have created a billion-dollar Jahresumsatz of the mind. Die Befragung fand im May 2024. Die befragten Organizationen stammen aus Branchen Automobil, Konsumgüter, Einzelhandel, Banken, Versicherungen, Telekommunikation, Energie- und Versorgungsunternehmen, Luft-, Raumfahrt et Verteidigung, Hightech, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Pharma- und Gesundheitswesen sowie aus dem öffentlichen Sector.

About Capgemini

Capgemini is a global partner in business and technology transformation for organizations. Companies are taking care of this double transformation for a younger digital world and a closer world – auf greifbare Fortschritte projects for the operating company. Capgemini is a diversified group of companies with a group of companies over 55 years old and 340,000 employees in more than 50 countries. Capgemini is interested in the potential of technology for the rapid creation of its services. Capgemini offers comprehensive strategy, design and engineering expertise and end-to-end solutions. Therefore, we have the experience of providing Kompetenz in the Bereichen KI, Cloud and Data with deep Branchenexpertise and Partner-Ökosystem. The group reached a price of 22.5 billion euros in 2023.

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Uber of Capgemini Research Institute

The Capgemini Research Institute is Capgemini’s largest digital think tank. Das Institut veröffentlicht Forschungsarbeiten über den Einfluss digitaler Technologien auf große Unternehmen. The team currently works with the global Capgemini network of experts and works with academic and technology partners. The Institute has research centers in India, Singapore, Great Britain and the United States.

Besuchen Sie unf

(1) Fast ein Viertel (24 Prozent) der Organizationen hat Gen-AI-Funktionalität bereits einigen or den meisten ihrer Geschäftsbereiche et Standorte zur Verfügung gestellt. Vgl. : Capgemini Research Institute: “Harnessing the Value of Generative AI 2nd Edition: Leading Use Cases Across Industries”, July 2024.

(2) Handling of Ausgabeverhaltens von KI- und Gen-AI-Modellen.

Press contact:

Kora Alice Lejko
Tel.: + 49 151 40251 298
E-Mail: [email protected]

Achim Schreiber
Tel.: + 49 151 40251 596
Email: [email protected]

Original content by: Capgemini, published by active news
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